Chapter Two

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What's up guys? here is the second chapter. .

please inform me if there are any errors.



Chapter Two

Elsa's POV

I can feel the stillness and calmness of the place. Seating and reading here at the lake is one of my past time or when I want to be alone. When Robert Baker who has been serving our family since I was kid approached.

"Princess Elsa, your father has arrived and wants to talk to you." Mr. Baker said.

'Ok tell father, I'll come to his study room."

I fixed my things and started walking. I love walking , it makes me gaze more and appreciate my surrounding or what i call it my home for 21 years.

I lived in Pitcairn maybe you don't know our place or your'e not familiar with it . Pitcairn Islands are a group of four volcanic islands in the southern Pacific Ocean that form the last British Overseas Territory in the Pacific. Pitcairn is small you can barely see it in a map unless you use a magnifying glass. It was discovered by my great-great-great -I don't really know how great it was- great grandfather with his friend from Denmark.

Clutching my bag I walk towards the main door greeted by my father's valet.

'Good afternoon. Miss Bailene" George said smilling.

I always love George, his nice,polite and a good hearted man. I know him since i was a kid, he was there all the time whenever my father attends some business outside the Islands.

"Good afternoon too , George . How are you doing? i ask.

" always the polite one. I'm fine thank you, Princrss"he replied smilling.

His definetely old now but he always refuse to get a retirement, he always says that he can still work.

"i better head upstairs."

"you better should, Maam. Your father is waiting for you." he said.

I started walking upstairs when suddenly someone blocked my way to my room.. It was my brother as usual.

"can you move so that i can go to my room now?" I ask looking at him. He didn't reply so i tried to walk past him but he just blocked my way once again.

"are you making fun of me?' i ask annoyed.

"what, you ask me to move and that's what i did." he said in sarcasm. I pushed him and walk towards my room to check myself.

'You know sis, I still love you even with that annoyed look." he yelled walking downstairs.

"yeah right brother" I replied looking at my reflection in the mirror. Once satisfied with my look i went to my father's study. I knock three times then went inside.

"hello father, you called for me?" i said hugging him.

"yes Elsa there's something I need to tell you, but since your mother is not here yet. i need you to hear my opinion about working abroad first." he said, here he come again trying to convince me not to go.

"let me here it, father"

"since your'e done with your doctorate degree i need you to work here in Pitcairn in one of our hospitals here. I i know you always want to work abroad but please can you just stay. i'm old and i need you here.

" i understand your desire father but you taught me that in able to be successful in life you have to follow what your heart and mind desire for and this is what i desire father." I exclaimed getting tired of the endless circus of explaining.

"but you have to learn how to run and role Pitcairn." he said

"Father you and I know that Erice will take good care of Pitcairn and besides he knows well than me"i replied.

"but this Islands will never be the same without you." father said.

"father if that hospital I applied for hires me. I will make sure that i will always visit and call'

"I wish that hospital you applied for doesn't hire you" father said jokingly.

" Your'e so mean, father" i replied.

" i will miss you Elsa" father said hugging me. That's when my mother came in.

"so what did i miss? mother said, seating beside me.

" nothing much mother, Father is just convincing me not to go if the hospital i applied for hires me" i replied.

"Robert, I told you to stop and let Elsa fulfill her dreams.' mother said scolding father.

" I know I just don't want our little princess to be apart from us, katherine." father said.

" I'm still your little Princess dad but I need to learn on my own." i said.

" i really raised you right, Elsa and yes you need to stand in your own for you to be able to live and learn." mother said being proud at me.

"oh thanks mother" i said.

I saw father bringing out some folder in here desk," about what i told you a while ago Elsa" father said being serious.

"so what is it fath--" my phone rang." Uhmm but i need to answer this first it's urgent." i said pleadingly.

"it's okay, take your time, besides we need to talk about this first before we discuss it to you." mother said.

" I'll be quick ,promise." I replied.


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