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Connor's POV
Radio: "And that was No Money by Galantis everyone, up next we have-

I wasn't paying attention to the road and BAM. I panicked and got out the car to see what I hit and saw Skylar laying there. "Oh f**k I'm screwed!" I said panicking kneeling down looking at her. "Skylar stay with me!!" I screamed holding her. I pulled out my phone and called 911, "What's your emergency?" "My friend is laying here and she's not breathing." "Okay sir, tell me where you are." I told him and waited for them to come, I know what you're thinking I should've told the truth but do you know what her parents would do to me. Especially Justin he's capable of doing things, like back when I dated his girlfriend back in 6th grade.

The ambulance, and police arrived, they asked me a few questions I answered. The ambulance placed her in the van on the way to the hospital.

(At the hospital)
I called Justin to let him know about the incident and he was on his way.

Justin's POV
I was with hanging out with some old friends at a bar. "Dude the chicks there are smokin' hot!!" Ryan bragged to me and the guys. "I've got a chick already so." I said smirking. "WHOAHH WHOS SHE?!?" They all screamed at once. "Her name-" I was cut off by my phone buzzing. "Hello?" "Hello sir is this Justin Bieber?" "Yeah what do you want?" "Do you know Skylar Gordon?" "Yes why?" "She got hit by a car..." I ended the call and was left in shock. "Dude what's wrong?" Ryan asked. "I need to go.." I said running to my car.

(At the hospital)
After the doctors explained everything to me, I couldn't help but sit in the chair near her bed. 'Why would this happen to her?' 'Who did this to her?' 'Why is it the moment I'm not around her something bad happens?' I stared at the ground with those thoughts in my head wondering why, why, why.

"Are you okay Justin?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Connor standing there, "I'm okay..." I replied depressed. "Hey man it's not your fault." He said soothing me putting his hand on my shoulder. "How do you know about this accident before I did?" I asked him. It was silent for a while, "Hello?" I said waving my hand in front of his face. "Oh um I found her while I-I was on my way to the market I gotta go." He said mumbling and stuttering. I looked at him weirdly and turned to Skylar hoping she'll be okay.

"No leave me alone please, no, no, NOO!!" I heard Skylar scream while tears were streaming down her face. "Baby, it's alright I'm here." I said comforting her. She cuddled into my chest and we ended up sleeping.

(Sunday morning)
"JUSTIN, HELP ME AHHHH!! I woke up to Skylar screaming and trembling. "Skylar baby wake up." I said as I shook her. Her eyes opened slowly looked at me with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong?" I asked her concerned. She stared at her hands ignoring my question. "Babe, talk to me." "Nothing.." She mumbled. I lifted up her chin with my finger facing me, "Then why were you screaming my name and asking me to help you?" I asked. "I need your help that's why." She squeaked looking into my eyes. "With what?" "Liam's after me and I thought I could handle it but he's crossedq the line." She said speaking fast while her voice was cracking as tears were rolling down her cheeks. I brought her into my chest, "I'll always be here for you Sky." I comforted her.

Connor walked into the room, he's eyes widened when he saw that she was awake. "Hey baby you okay?" He asked in a soft tone. "Yes." She responded softly. "Justin can I speak to you, alone?" Connor asked weirdly. "Yeah sure. I'll be right back baby girl." I told Skylar giving her a kiss on her forehead. 

I closed the door behind me and looked at Connor, "What's wrong?" I asked with a small smile on my face. "I know you might never forgive me after I tell you this.." He said playing with his fingers. "Yeah go on?" "I'm the one who hit Skylar..."

Read more to find out...😏😏😏

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