Part One: Fallen

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I wrapped my arms tighter around myself, the large sweater that I had found on the side of the snowy path doing nothing for me really. Flowey was also shaking and I apologized him, my hands shaking.

"It's fine, Frisk, really. It's a nice change from the constant fear in the ruins, even though it's freezing." He laughed.

I laughed too, but only my head bobbed and my stomach went in and out, my voice being silent. I laughed with air, really.

We continued down the path. I could feel Flowey looking around. I asked him what was wrong, why he seemed so paranoid.

"It's just that, I've heard rumors about this place. That there are two brothers who are really aggressive and, I don't want to run into them. Or anyone, in that case. People down here are really aggressive, and that would make you the main target because of. . . You know. . ." He trailed off, not wanting to mention my 'condition'.

I told him it was fine that he said 'because I was mute' or mentioned it in general because I had accepted it.

Flowey nodded.

He then flinched as I heard a twig snap. I glanced over my shoulder, which Flowey was also doing, but didn't stop moving.

"Frisk," He didn't turn around, "Start running."

I nodded and started running.

Flowey's grip on my shoulder increased as my speed increased, but I didn't mind. I then started hearing a second set of footsteps and felt myself increase speed. I had been on the track and field team and was one of the fastest in my district. I wasn't about to lose this race, especially if there was a chance I could lose my life.

Flowey continued to look behind, and shouted, "What do you want?"

Suddenly a short skeleton teleported in front of me, making me stop on my feet, sliding in the snow and falling back. I started panicking as the skeleton leaned over, his hands in his pockets, his right eye flaming a dangerous red.

I tried to struggle away but instead found myself being picked up by the collar of the shirt.

"And what do we have here?" He had a slight accent to him.

This monster, specifically a skeleton, was dressed in knee length shorts with one single yellow stripe on either side, red and black skateboard sneakers, a sweater that looked exactly like the one that was wrapped around me, which was black and had some fur around the edges. And he also had a huge grin on his face, his teeth pointed. One of them was gold.

I struggled against his grip and Flowey said, "Let her go!"

"Now why would I do that, flower? She's the last human soul. We can finally leave this dump." He replied.

"No! She isn't. She won't be!" Flowey fought back, his voice cracking.

He laughed, "We've been waiting for years! I'm not letting a little flower get in the way of our freedom."

The skeleton reached for Flowey and I panicked, grabbing Flowey and holding him in my hands. He frowned.

"What's your name, human?" He asked, oddly calm for how mad he looked.

"Her name is Frisk," Flowey answered for me.

"I wasn't asking you!" He shouted, making me flinch.

"My name is Frisk," I told him with my hands.

"The hell was that? What is your name?" The skeleton raised his voice further.

I could feel tears sting the back of my eyes. I told him my name again.

"Just tell me already!" He threw me down, making me hit my head again.

I was now crying as Flowey yelled, "She's mute, you idiot!"

Fallen Child [completed]Where stories live. Discover now