Part Fourteen: Run

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Frisk's POV:

I calmed down after about five minutes of controlled breathing, which Chara joined me with.

"Rest your voice. No need to explain, I can understand. To an extent."

I liked that she understood as much as she did. It would have been a lot worse if she didn't or if she was rude like someone down here, or. . .

I shook my head as I thought through all the worst scenario's, something I had been doing all too much lately.

"Frisk? Are you okay?" Chara broke me out of my thoughts.

I put on a believable expression and nodded, avoiding eye contact. I could see Chara frown out of the corner of my eye, but didn't acknowledge it.

There was suddenly a bang on the door and we both jumped. After a few seconds of shock, Chara leaped to her feet and went to the window, opening it, letting in a flurry of snow and chilling wind.

"I'm going to climb down as fast as I can and you follow okay? Just to make sure that it's secure." She looked down as she spoke, seeming ready but also having a hint of anxiety in her voice.

I nodded and she wrapped it around the leg of the bed, going over the edge of the window and heading down. The bed moved slowly, inch by inch, but once it made it to the wall it seemed very secure.

I jumped a second time as the bang on the door sounded again, moving the barriers that we had put there.

I looked through the window and saw that Chara was almost to the bottom.

I failed to muffle a yelp as another bang came from the door, the bookshelf rocking.

"Hey!" Chara shouted, and I didn't even look down, I just threw my legs over the edge and started down the 'rope'.

I could feel the sweat on my hands making this task more and more dangerous, but couldn't do much about it. I held my breath for a second as I heard smashing from the bedroom and then light, some muted by silhouettes.

"Come on!" Chara urged.

Undyne's and Monster Kid's heads popped over the window at the shout and I went as quickly as I could without dropping. They laughed and there was a muffled conversation. I felt a pull of sorts from the rope and my eye's widened.

"Just drop down!"

I mentally yelled at myself to do it, but then, the rope gave out from under me and I started falling. I landed on my side painfully and with a thick daze, I felt Chara pull me up.

"Come on!" I heard her cry.

She dragged me into the forest, both of us now running, and I checked over my shoulder to see the pair chasing after us.

"We need to get to the skeleton brothers!" Chara informed me and I nodded, knowing they were the most capable of handling them.

And they could also explain to us how they got away in the first place.

A/N: Greetings and yes, I am finally back from the dead. Also sorry for the short chapter. )-)

Exams are finally over and they were--exhale. They were interesting. But yeah my average was the low 70's and so I didn't fail any of my classes hahahahaha.

Anyways, after this week the update schedule should be back to normal. 

With that aside, stay glitchy my glitches, because those imperfections are beautiful!

~ Anonymous Glitch

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