Part Sixteen: Protect You

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Frisk's POV:

Then through the stillness, I heard Sans say something. I turned around and once more, remembered that Chara was dying. And so was Papyrus.

I ran back as fast as I could and knelt beside Chara, taking her hand into mine again.

"Don't die, Chara! Please! Please don't leave me!" Sans cried, his voice cracking multiple times, his pride worn off.

I wanted to say something to him, to comfort him but feared permanently losing my voice, if I hadn't already at this point. I felt as helpless as he did.

"Sans. . . I-It's okay. . . I-It feels l-like floating. . . And t-there's a bright light. . . I-I can see my great-grandfather, looking at me, his hand outstretched. A-And my great-grandmother is beside him. I-I can see my grandparents, t-too. . ."

Sans squeezed her hand tight, but I couldn't bring myself to do so, only watch her body language and her face, waiting for her eyes to stop dilating to the snow storm, which had calmed and only let large and fluffy snow flakes fall, making everything seem beautiful and angelic. It didn't seem hellish, like most of this place seemed.

"I-I know t-that you'll miss me, S-Sans, but I-I won't be a-alone. I-I'll still be here. . ." She weakly took her hand from mine, which I allowed her to do quickly, and she put a hand on where Sans' heart was.

"R-Right here."

Sans continued to cry, now silently, nodding.

"I-I know. I-I love you, Chara. I-I hope you k-know that."

She gave him another weak, small, smile.

"Of course, I-I know that. I-I've loved you t-through the years I-I was trapped w-w-with Undyne. I-I'll never stop loving you, S-Sans."

I didn't want to disturb the moment. So instead of saying something deep and emotional like they were, not that I really could have, I shuffled myself and lay beside her. I heard her laugh lightly and then she took my hand, squeezing it gently.

"I-I loved meeting you, F-Frisk, e-even though i-it was a short meeting. I-I wish y-y-you only the best."

Sans held her other hand close to him, and I could feel the warmth from Chara's body, finding it somewhat comforting in this emotional moment. The vision went in and out of blurring as I continued to cry; I felt as if I was losing a life long friend. Who knew, she might have been a life long friend if it hadn't been for Undyne.

And after what felt like an hour of sitting there, I couldn't feel her breathing anymore, and her grip became limp. Sans could feel it too, for he started to panic, the realization that she was really gone only one hundred percent hitting now.

I glimpsed at Papyrus, but he appeared to be fine. I tilted my head at him and he just waved his hand through the air slightly, a red glow coming off of it for a second. Magic. Alright, made sense.

Turning my full attention back to Sans I tried to reel through the ways to comfort him. I didn't know him well enough to know, and so I took a wild guess, scooting close to him and putting an arm over his shoulders, side hugging him.

I guessed right, for he suddenly hugged me back, bringing me closer to him. I could hear my breath hitch in both surprise and panic, but then hugged back.

"I-I am going to protect you. C-Chara trusted you, a-and so I trust you. Y-You were a part of her, a-and I am going to keep y-you safe. Okay?" He whispered to me.

I nodded the only reply that I could have conjured up even if I did have a voice.

We stayed there for a while after that, Papyrus eventually joining in on the hug. The grief hung in the air like a damp towel, draping itself over us, but there was also something else, a ray of sunlight giving us enough warmth to keep alive, to keep going, a bond that we had not had before.

Chara had left us, but she had left herself with us. She had brought together an unlikely family, one that would learn not to be dysfunctional. One where there would be a flower, a short skeleton, a tall skeleton, and a quiet human.

A/N: HOh the tears. Yes, yes, there probably will be a sequel. When? I don't know, don't ask me, I never know what I'm doing.

Oh yes, sorry for not updating sooner. (Totally didn't forget what I was going to say there.) But I am now on summer update schedule, which is whenever I can *mildly distressed noise*.

And just for reference, yes, Flowey survived, he was just trapped in the lakes with Onionsan. Do you really think I would kill the anxious Flowey? No, no, no, I can't kill a good villain like him on a normal basis, let alone when he's like a normal, weak character.

Random rambles, okay, then. I'm really tired right now, okay? xD

But yeah, sequel will be out sometime in this century, so you got something to look forward to(???).

Anyways, stay glitchy my glitches, because those imperfections are beautiful.

~ Anonymous Glitch

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