Part Nine: Hold On

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"I am not a coward! I am just tired of the death!" Sans shouted, his hands starting to shake with anger.

I wanted to help him but I couldn't. . .

"You are a coward Sans! And we deserve freedom after being trapped down here for years!" Papyrus fought back, taking a step forward.

Sans stood his ground, "We're the villains, Papyrus! We deserve even less than we have right now!"

The taller skeleton sighed, starting to slowly walk towards us, "You leave me no choice, then."

I yelp as something pulls me away from Sans and I struggle to get back to him.

"H-Hey!" Sans turned around, summoning attacks.

I started to panic as I saw the silhouette of Undyne in the thick snowfall. And the silhouette of who I could only assume was her loyal follower.

I felt myself dropped in front of them, me scrambling up and attempting to run, but being stopped by spears that dared to stab me. I wondered why Sans wasn't attacking yet before I noticed that he was struggling against Papyrus.

I then felt something strange, in my throat and in the pit of my stomach. I grabbed one of the spears from the air and turned around, throwing it at the pair. Undyne had to dodge to the side and the kid beside her fell over, surprised by the sudden fighting back.

The rest of the spears disappeared and I ran towards Sans, grabbing a few of his surrounding, inactivate attacks from around him, throwing them at Papyrus directly.

Most missed by one didn't. I heard a slight crack and everything stopped moving. Papyrus then aimed all his attacks at me. I cussed in my head and I turned around and ran the other way. A few of them whizzed past my head, making me internally scream each time, but any of them that should've hit me were countered by Sans' attacks.

I soon say Undyne and stopped. Sans appeared behind me and took my hand.

"Hold on tight, kid."

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