Part Eight: You Don't Care

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The cold sunk into my skin as I felt myself back in Snowdin, outside for some unknown reason.

"W-Why did you d-do that?" I asked, my voice hoarse from both my voice being exercised too much and from almost drowning.

"Because you can't die. Not in their hands." He says, starting to walk away.

I follow him.

"Wait! Flowey, he's back there!" I suddenly feel very panicked.

"Let that weed go, he'll be fine. He's stronger than he acts." Sans replies, his voice unforgiving.

"H-He's my friend! A-And I don't leave f-friends behind!" I begin to turn to leave but am stopped when Sans grabs my arm, pulling me towards him.

"You can't go back there! They'll kill you!" He stands his ground.

"I-I don't care!" I shout back, ignoring the taste of blood rising in the back of my throat.

I tried to wrench my arm from his grasp, but his grip is stronger than I knew.

"W-Why do you c-care?!" I ask.

"I-I--" Sans begins to answer, but is cut off by Papyrus.

"Sans! What are you doing? And who are you arguing with?" Papyrus stops as he sees it's me.

"You've found the human again! Good, we can take her to Asgore at the Capitol!" He sounds happy.

"N-No! W-We can't!" Sans is stuttering now.

"Why?" Papyrus challenges.

"Because she can't die! She doesn't deserve to die!"

"Neither did all those other humans, but they were still killed. And you killed one of them, Sans. It's very--"

"That's the point!" Sans has tears in his eye sockets, "I-I killed someone who was innocent! And I've regretted that for a long time! A-And because of that, I-I will not allow another innocent to perish because of our selfish needs!"

There was a silent. Everyone was shocked, even Sans himself.

"I never knew that you were such a coward, Sans. Humans are our enemy, and they will be forever! They locked us down here and we seek revenge, even if we don't have to! They deserve to pay for what they've done, and I do not care if I need to fight you to get to the final human soul, we will return to the surface!"

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