Part Thirteen: Chills

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Chara's POV:

I saw, who I could only assume was Frisk, fall to my right. I wish I could have done the same, moved a muscle, said something, but I was frozen with fear. This was the same person who had kept me captive for a year over a feud with Sans. And I hadn't forgiven either of them.

Suddenly she took a step forwards and sent multiple spears towards Sans, who teleported back. Monster Kid was also frozen behind her.

I could only move and register what was going on around me really when I felt someone, a human someone, push me back, landing awkwardly on top of me. They scrambled up, taking me with them and then we were running.

I looked to see who it was and it was that human, Frisk.

"W-What happened?" I asked.

She said nothing, focusing on something in the distance, something I couldn't see. But then I saw it. The silhouette of Papyrus, who was running towards us. The wind howled around me for the first time and suddenly I felt cold. Had it been storming this whole time?

"GET BACK TO THE HOUSE!" He said as we passed by.

As we made eye contact I saw something in his harsh frown, something along the lines of welcoming, like he had missed me.

I smiled to myself as we kept running, charging into town and soon into the house.

As I slowed my pace I heard the door slam behind me and the lock click, the other girl seeming frantic.

"What's the plan?" I asked, a bit frantic myself.

She did not reply, only closed the windows and gestured to me to follow her.

"Why won't you talk to me?" I asked, a bit agitated by her silence.

She looked over her shoulder and then stopped, me also stopping. Using her hands she spelled out mute, using her fingers to spell it out for me. I gave her a sympathetic sigh and nodded, rushing behind her.

That made sense, why she was particularly quiet during that whole thing. Though, she had still spoken. There must be some explanation to all of this. . .

I heard a door slam again and saw that we were in Sans' room. I turned around to see that she was putting a chair under the doorknob, and looked around for something else to put against the door. 

"Here," I gestured towards the gesture and we both ran to it, dragging it over to the door with a great effort.

"I-If we need to escape quickly, we can use the window. Here, I-I'll rig something up." I ran over to the window, switching the locks to unlocked and struggled to get the window open.

As I did a chilly breeze ran through the room and I closed it so that only one-fourth was really open. I ran over to the bed and then the dressing, starting to knot shirts and bed sheets together.

She sat beside me, her hands shaking a little bit. I stopped for a second and took one of her hands, checking her pulse. It was too quick for comfort, and after a few seconds, she pulled away.

"Please try and calm down. We don't need to expel any more energy than needed waiting."

I continued with the sheets and I heard her taking deep breaths. I took them with her, trying to calm my heart rate and my breathing, too.

It was a terrible way to meet each other, but it was good that we did. I think that we'll be friends.

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