Chapter 1

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Raven Cora Ruby Brock
I was finaly moving to L.A I couldn't wait to leave Kansas. About a week ago my brother Colby Brock called me and asked if I wanted to move in with him and his bestfriend Sam.
"Honey make sure you have everything Toothbrush, clothes, makeup, money and toiletries!" My mom shouted up i was so excited to see my brother I've missed him.
At the airport
"Remember to text me when you've arrived safely and don't forget to check your messages every so often!" Mom gets freaked out and worried easily "Yes I know mom" I engulfed her in a warm hug as I did with my father "Please can all passengers on plane 334 please board the plane as we leave for departure in 10 minutes!" The announcement finished and I got on the plane waving goodbye to my parents.
I woke up half way through the journey i didn't even remember falling asleep i decided to go get a drink from the cart "Hello Ma'am what can I get you today?" The flight hostess asked politely "Can I get a water please" she smiled as she handed me water "that's $1" as I handed her the money I smiled and said thanks heading back to my seat.

"Please can all passengers go back to their seats as we are preparing to land thank you!" I strapped myself back in my seat and texted my mom

That's me in LA

Okay sweetie remember text Colby to alert him your there!

Yeah I know mom stop worrying so much

Sorry it's a habit well call me if you need anything have fun living life in LA

Thanks mom love you xx

Love you too baby girl xx

I had to admit I'd miss my mom but I'll be living with my brother. I decided to text Colby.

Hey bro I'm just landing the now so watch out for me x

Hey sis no worries also not that hard to miss you, you have luminous blue hair xD x



As we landed I got my suitcases and headed to the parking lot looking for Colby. I hadn't told Colby or had any plans to but I was dating his best friend Sam for nearly a year now so I prayed he didn't bring him cause I'd smile like an idiot."RAVEN!!" I looked over and seen Colby my eyes lit up like Christmas lights  "COLBY!!" I ran into his arms and hugged him "Hey Rave how ya been?" Colby just rubbed my back smiling "Fine I just missed you how have you been?" I pulled away from the hug "Good making videos as always hey maybe you can join us sometimes" I nodded as we got it the car Colby turned the radio on Colby was only a few months older but treated me like a child. The radio started playing English Love Affair by 5sos I couldn't help but sing along "Next thing we were back at your place a hideaway in Mayfair all the greats and good there.." Colby smiled "Your a really good singer you know that right" I blushed "I'm not but thanks colbs".

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