Day 3

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Good Morning Panem!! We come to you today with 11 remaining tributes, and two alliances already formed, The Lake alliance, with Lily, Mark, Liam, Ellie, Sam and Mary, and The Career alliance, with David, Alyza, and Kade. We also have two solo tributes, Eaden and Trevor. It is early in the morning in the arena, and we already have some action. During the night our tributes have begun to hallucinate. Right now, Eaden is wandering dangerously near to a cliff, believing it to be who knows what, and Trevor is singing at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason, which is sure to attract attention. Meanwhile, on the lake, Sam is jabbing the water in a seemingly random pattern with an iron spear, hitting nothing solid. Liam and Mark are doggy paddling around the lake in a dazed trance like state, and have almost drowned many times this morning, only to be saved by Ellie, who was apparently unaffected. She is presently trying to catch Mary, who has caught Lily up a tree in the middle of a clearing, believing her to be a mutation or something. Lily, up in the tree, looks too scared to go anywhere near her normal perch height, and isn't even high enough to be safe from Mary, who is getting tackled by Ellie. In the meadow, Kade and David are acting like rabid dogs, literally! They're foaming at the mouth!!!! Alyza, also seemingly unaffected, is watching with a smile on her face, apparently amused!!! Interesting!!! Meanwhile Eaden wanders nearer and nearer to the top of the cliff. Now this cliff is a huge drop, and at the bottom there is a huge valley that extends into the meadow, and the only way up is a steep hill that is almost as high as the cliff, and if Eaden did fall, and even more surprisingly survived it, there was a very slim chance she would make it back to the top. Trevor is still singing, but no one is around to hear or care, except for Eaden, who... Oh!!!! There she goes, tumbling over, but what is this, she has grabbed onto a thin ledge and is pulling herself up. Whatever hallucination she was in is apparently now gone, and she has a backpack and nothing more. She pulls herself up and is shuffling along the shear rock wall, hundreds of feet from the bottom. Oh No!!! She slipped, but look, it seems she has landed, a little precariously, mind you, but alive, on a larger ledge, big enough to hold her up and for her to sit. She has no way to get up or down the cliff alive, so we can pretty much count her out, and now that her hallucinations have stopped, she can hear Trevor's singing, and so can Alyza!! Alyza, hearing the tune, turns rapidly toward the center of the arena, and starts off at a jolting run, straight to the Cornucopia. David and Kade, also breaking free of their hallucinations, run after her. They come through the tall grass near one edge of the meadow, and peer out at the dancing tribute, weaving in and out of the starting podiums. David is raising a spear to launch at the young man, but Alyza has put a hand out to stop him!! Confused, he is looks at her and she shushes him. She slowly steps out of the tall grass, and uncoils her rope. She is sneaking up behind Trevor, and she lifts her rope above his head. She brings it down to his chest, apparently unnoticed by Trevor, and, will she kill him?!!!!! No!!!! She has tied a rope around his waist, and his singing stops too. He struggles, but Kade brings a mace down over his head, knocking him unconscious. They are dragging him back to the river, and have tied him to the only tree in miles. Meanwhile at the lake, Mark and Liam have also broken free, and are climbing onto the bank, shivering and exhausted. It seems that the Gamemakers are satisfied because Sam catches a few fish before he too breaks loose, a bit shocked, but alive and unharmed. Lily just scrambled up into the highest part of the tree possible, and is a bit dazed, not remembering any past actions that morning. Mary will break out of it any time now, and, yep, El goes flying into the trees, but Mark and Liam are holding Mary back, explaining. Amazingly, there are no deaths on the third day, but Eaden is stuck, Trevor captured, the lake alliance confused, and the career alliance short on numbers. As the anthem plays, the career alliance, still weak from the day's happenings, go to bed, like the rest of the tributes. Eaden is shivering, trying to stay awake and not fall off, but the rest are either asleep or guarding. Good Night Panem, and Good Luck Tributes.

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