Day 2

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     Last night was pretty much an uneventful night. The tributes without blankets pretty much froze to death, but other than that nothing of importance happened. Mark is wandering through the woods, looking for water, but he doesn't know he is drawing close to the lake Eland her team have claimed. As he emerges into the clearing, Lily, who apparently has been assigned the job of lookout, sees him almost immediately. Again she whistles her 3-note whistle, and the hunters in the woods, Sam and Liam emerge. Lily whistles again, and Eland Mary come bolting out from the opposite end, where they were building weapons and traps. And look at this, Mark does not surrender! He dashes into the woods from where he came and is hopping over falling trees left and right. Looks like the Gamemakers were bored, because trees are tumbling down everywhere. Eland Mary, the closest, begin to follow, but Liam, the fastest, soon catches up. Lily raises her slingshot, but Mark is out of reach. Sam, a bit unfit it seems, is falling behind. He stops outside of the tree line, and Lily swims out to him. Swift as a squirrel, she starts to climb a nearby tree. Wow, she is hopping from tree to tree, narrowly dodging the falling ones. Meanwhile Liam is closing the gap between him and the boy who claimed to be distantly related to him. Eland Mary have stopped, and are now splitting up! It seems as if they going to trap Mark against the lake again, but look! Mark has slowed and Liam leaps for his feet! He got them!!! Will he kill the boy who supposedly volunteered for him? No!!!! He is inviting them to join their alliance. Lily hops down from the tree she was in, slingshot ready, and the two other ladies are surrounding Mark on either sides. Mark seems to have agreed, and they are now presently explaining to him the team dynamic and Boom!! Oh my, is another tribute dead already? Yes, it seems so, and the team is remembering that they left Sam by himself. Now that the disaster has stopped, the team zooms through the forest, dodging already fallen trunks. They come to the lake, but Sam is O.K!! They are looking around, and Lily has seen the hovercraft collecting a body. They don't know who it is, but I do. While they were chasing, or in Mark's case, running, Devan had ditched the career alliance and ran into the woods and, during the chase, a tree had fell on him and he had slowly died under the pressure. He had yelled for help, but the tree was so heavy he could hardly make a sound. Trevor, in the cornucopia, was working hard to start a fire, but it looks like it's going to fail. Eaden is travelling through the woods, and the careers are splitting up to look for victims. As Madilyn, Riley, and Alyza move closer to the Cornucopia, Trevor throws his rickety spear at them and starts to run off!!! The spear impales Madilyn and immediately a cannon goes off. Alyza and Riley start to chase after him, but they intercept the rest of the careers running the opposite direction. It seems David has messed with a tracker jacker nest, and the careers are in trouble!!!!! Trevor turns back to the Cornucopia and the tracker jackers leave him alone, but the careers, especially Riley, are being over run. Boom!!! Another cannon goes off and Riley drops, dead, to the ground, just before the rest jump in a river and are safe. By this time Eaden has found a huge tree to set up base, and Trevor has taken Madilyn's backpack with food and clean water, and even a couple explosives. It also looks like we have our first sponsor to help out the careers. What is it, oh it's medicine to help with the stings of those annoying and lethal bugs we like to call tracker jackers!!! While the careers treat their stings, the lake alliance is settling down for another cold night on their island. The careers, not wanting to risk another excursion into the woods, go to bed too, The anthem plays and Madilyn, Riley, and Devan appear in the sky. 3 more tributes down, and Day 2 is over.

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