Day 4

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     Good morning and welcome to the 4th day of the 34th Hunger Games. Last time we came to you, Trevor was in the custody of the Career tributes, and Eaden was stuck on the side of a cliff. The career's are now forcing Trevor to hunt for livestock, which, in retrospect, is stupid because his job in District 10 was to package meat, not kill it. Eaden is slowly deteriorating on her little ledge, and the Lake alliance is travelling through the woods in search of more supplies, and look!! They have come across Eaden's stash of supplies from the Cornucopia. Lily and Liam are retrieving it, and Sam is sneaking off!! It looks like he has seen Kade spying on them, something even I didn't notice until now. Mark has just noticed Sam is gone, and is telling the rest . Lily stays with the supplies while the others try to find him. Meanwhile, Kade is going into a cave and Sam is following him in, trying to pull him out, apparently knowing there is danger. He is right, David appears from the bushes and he has an explosive!!! He throws it at the cave and two cannons go off, one after another. David runs off as Mark, Liam, Ellie, and Mary emerge to find the bodies of Sam and Kade among the rubble. Lily is freaking out when the remainder of the Lake alliance come back to tell her the sad news. By now Alyza and David realize Trevor is of no help, so Alyza decapitates him and another cannon goes off. 8 tributes remaining, and now is when our film crew interviews the families of our eight tributes. Meanwhile in the arena, Eaden is making one last futile attempt, screaming for help, and surprisingly, the lake alliance hears her and are responding. El is taking a rope and tying it around a stump. As she lowers herself down, Eaden stands up abruptly, afraid that she wants to kill her. When El gets close enough she grabs Eland throws her off the ledge, but the rope forms a noose and Eaden is stuck in it. A cannon goes off, and Eaden's body hangs silent and unmoving miles above the ground. Speaking of miles above the ground, El just fell a great distance. Unbelievably, she survived, and is making her way up to the rest of her alliance. Lily runs to her as she sways and almost falls again. El mumbles something unintelligible, but Lily seems to have understood and is starting to cry. El sways some more, and falls to the ground, dead. Another cannon goes off as Lily falls to the ground, devastated and balling. 6 left, and the Lake alliance heads back to the camp with two less members than the last time they were there. The career alliance lay down as the anthem plays, and Lily is too heartbroken to keep watch, so Liam takes his place in the tree as Mark and Mary lay down. Lily sits at the foot of the tree, and cries herself to sleep as the faces of Kade, Sam, Trevor, Eaden, and finally El shows up in the sky. Day 4 is over, and the arena is silent.

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