Day 6

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     Good Morning Panem, and welcome to the day of the feast. With only 6 tributes left, the games are sure to be over soon. If you remember right, the feast is today at noon, and there will be food, supplies and two devices that will tell the location of any unmoving tribute. Here we go! All three teams of two, Mark and Lily, Liam and Mary, and Alyza and David, are heading slowly toward the Cornucopia. It is now 2 hours until noon, and all the teams are about the same distance from the Cornucopia. Alyza and David are making their way through the field, and seem to have plenty of supplies, weapons, and confidence. They are practically singing!! Mark and Lily are running through the forest, laughing and playing!! They seem to have forgotten about the games. On the contrary, Mary and Liam are making a lot of headway, heading straight towards the Cornucopia, with no delays. As noon draws nearer, the teams take their places around the Cornucopia. Lily is perched in the closest tree to the cornucopia with a slingshot, and Mark is stationed at the bottom with a small wooden sword. Those two don't have much strength, but they sure have stealth. Both can climb trees, but Lily can climb like a monkey. Mark is the fastest there is, except maybe Liam. Speaking of Liam, he and Mary seem to have gotten there early and have hidden inside the cornucopia. With multiple weapons, they seem to be ready for anything. As the sun reaches it's highest point, Alyza and David come up the hill by the valley. As noon comes around, a slab in the ground in front of the Cornucopia slides open, and a table with food, bags of supplies, and, like promised, trackers. As the slab clicks back into place, Liam and Mary dash out of their hiding place and grab bags of food, supplies, and Liam is even able to grab a tracker before David throws a bomb, just missing Mary. Taking the chance, Mark dashes out and grabs bags of food before sprinting back to Lily, but when he gets there Alyza is halfway up the tree, herding Lily up to the top. Hurriedly Mark climbs up and pushes Alyza down, where she stands up quickly and starts to climb again, but Liam throws a newly acquired spear and hits Alyza in the back, spearing her through the heart. She falls to the ground as Liam, Mary, Mark, and Lily run into the forest. David kneels down over Alyza as her life slips away, and after a couple of minutes, her cannon goes off and David goes back to the Career camp, alone. The others make their way to their original camp, the lake, and gather their supplies, ready to start evading David. They seem to be playing defensive, so Mark convinces Liam and Mary to go the other way with some of the supplies and the tracker. Mark and Lily are make their way to the Cornucopia, but don't stay around too long, afraid of David and his tracker. Tonight, it looks like no one will sleep. Liam and Mary take turns keeping watch while the other one rests, but only for a few minutes. Lily and Mark keep moving, and the anthem plays, Alyza's face showing in the sky. Goodnight, and with five tributes left, the games are soon to be over soon. 

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