Chapter 2: Lets play some basketball

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At the Raleigh-Durham International Airport

As both UNC men's and women's basketball team gathered into line to security check Hazel, Maya and their Basketball friend name Juju step up to the metal detector. 

Hazel looks at Juju and shouts "hey Juju you betta gets your switch blade out your jacket" snapping her head to the left as Juju head shoots up and look at the guards while the guards do the same while edging a little closer.

Juju throw up his hands "hey I aint got shit. (emptying his pockets) always looking at a nigga, if a white person strolled in this hoe, he probably gets in racist peckerwood" as Juju steps through the detectors followed by Maya but as Hazel finished laughing and stepped through the detector it buzzes.

 Everyone freezes " it would be me, its cause I'm black and radiant " as she sees the security guard come up to her " mamm I need to see your bag" hazel huffs " what the hell if I was carrying a bomb I would of told you then blowed this bitch up" "Hazel would can't say bomb" Maya hit Hazel arm "Bitch B-O-M-B" 

As they continue to bicker the Women's  basketball coach strolls up glaring at the two " Hazel open it up now " Hazel rolled her eyes "fine "  Hazel unzips it  to reveals all the junk food ranging from Twix, snickers, gummy bears, sour patch kids, mom's and twizzlers with Arizona neatly stacked at the bottom. Maya gasps "heaven is in that bag" 

Their coach shakes her head" hazel didn't I tell you that you were on a diet, give it here " hazel looked like she was about to cry while handing over her stash and weakly replied " now can I go" the security guard nods and points to the terminal where the other teammates are boarding , hazel waits until her coach walks a little up as Hazel turns toward the guard " you paying for my shit" 

The coach snaps her head and shouts " what was that James !" hazel sulked while walking past her and into the terminal "nothing , my food my precious food why!" as she throws her hands up as the coach shakes her head as she gets the rest of the UNC team on the plane.

In the cloud somewhere

As everyone get situated on the plane the seating went with all the boys is on the right and girls on the left and staff and coaches in the front.

Maya looks around "why is the black people always in the back what a waste of Rosa parks courage" as Juju starts laughing.

 Hazel just glares as she shout " probably cause them assholes stole their food and told them to sit back and watch" Juju looks at Hazel like what in the hell "hazel what are you talking about,  get ova it"

Hazel gives him a look "why don't you come ova here and let me shove my damn Nike sign up your ass to let out my anger" Juju winced " naw you good" Maya pulled an apple out of her bag 

" hey why don't you try a apple " Hazel hits it out her hand" hell naw I want my damn Cheetos" Maya looks at the apple rolling down the aisle thinks then break out to song "your love is like an apple juicy and sweet " Hazel looks at her then the apple too and sings " I want to take a chunk of you " hazel and Maya sing together " dip in honey " Juju feeling left out across the aisle "oh I know this song (clears his throat) I want to chew you"" you taste like applesauce" " in the container" Juju joins " sliced up in little parts" hazel shouts " I'll eat it till the bowl is clean" Juju hits a soprano note while holding his ear as a random person on his team  shouts "shut the hell up, damn trying to get some sleep" 

Maya huffs " chill out negro" as she puffs up her pillow , Hazel leans into the aisle and sings " u know what?" Juju looks at her as Maya sings "my mind telling me no. but my stomach telling me yes" hazel deepens her voice "I don't see nothing wrong getting a third plate" Juju joins in "side of mac&cheese and some Kool-Aid" Daniel shakes his head "man if ya'll don't take your hungry ass somewhere "Maya looks back "sorry" Hazel smacks her teeth "I ain't sorry"

Coach came walking out of the bathroom and looked at Maya and Hazel "ladies go to sleep "Hazel sighed while rubbing her stomach "I'm hungry"" so. go to sleep "as the coach moved up the front and settling down.

Mya took out her headphones "that was wrong" juju nodded agreeing while fluffing up his pillow Hazel close her eyes and starts singing

" on this plane my coach didn't give me no food (clapping) trying to tell her she is starving me "Hazel starts clapping as Maya joined in "if I told you once I told you twice you aint get no food tonight on this plane baby you betta sleep it off" juju shouted "last night! "

Every person on the plane shouted "shut da hell up" as a random pillow nailed Hazel in the back of her head 

"alright bitches die if you want to, snitch" while launching the pillow without looking and hitting someone while Maya continues to laugh.

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