She stepped through the detector it buzzes. Everyone freezes " it would be me, its cause I'm black and sexy " she looks and spots the security guard come up to her " ma'am I need to see your bag" she huffs " what the hell if I was carrying a bomb...
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At USC Galen Center
In the locker room the coach has everyone huddle up by the lockers "alright ladies, we have made it on a clean record, and do you think we should stop?" everybody shouted no while fist bumping each other.
"I want yall to play yall hearts out. because win or lose yall still my teammates and my children" Hazel comes up from the side of coach and wipes a fake tear from her eyes "aww you making me cry" then everybody echoed back tears while laughing.
"alright bring them in" as Hazel got in the middle starting the chant "who's house" everybody yells "our house" "WHO HOUSE" everybody "OUR HOUSE" "tar heels on 3. one two three" everybody shouts "Tar Heels KICK ASS" as everyone runs out the door and down the tunnel as hazel holds back and wait "shit I aint trying to trip"
the atrium was packed with usc colors a fans with the vip boxes and the opposite team huddling around the male team while Maya is situated behind the women's team looking at the shoot arounds when she squints "my damn eyes (shielding them) these damn lights need to dim" Juju looks at Maya "stop complain" Maya hits him upside his head "shut up" As she continues to look around and spots someone by the other team "oh shit is that Romeo Miller "
Juju looked in the direction she was looking at "who "looks around and spots him "oh yea he good why?" Maya hops out of her seat "Hazel would flip out if she see him " walking towards hazel as Juju hauls ass behind him " stop Maya" Maya ignores him as she quickly runs onto the court pass the team " hazel " waves her hands until Hazel looked at her crazy in mid shot
"What girl " But before Maya could open her mouth , she was swept up onto Juju shoulder "nothing jus good luck" Maya huffs "LIES, Hazel I seen" Juju shakes her and starts walking back to their seats , as Hazel just scratches her head "okay then"
the buzzer sounds off as everybody goes into the middle of the court and get into their positions, as the ref goes into the middle and throws up the ball in the air as UNC hits the ball over to their player. As they set up the point guard shouts "BLUE "as she passes the ball to the other shooting guard and rolls off Hazel and the small forward sets up as a blocker as Hazel rolls off her and receives the ball and shoot making the shot. The crowd cheers as UNC gets into their defense positions "HANDS UP 2-3"
as the game progress through the night as UNC is behind 8 points from USC with 1:20 left. UNC has the ball. Hazel gets into position wiping off her forehead and swiping her hands down her shorts "BALL" as she squares up in her stance and fakes her opponent and shoots as USC player slams into her and flings her into the cheerleaders.
The whistle blows as the referee throws up his hand signals "foul on white 18, 2 shots" as everyone gets into position UNC forward walks up to hazel slapping her hand "alright Hazel just make it but if you don't I'm getting rebound and u make a break" Hazel nods her head as she sets up and shoots 1 which was a miss and shoots her 2nd one where she makes it.
The UNC point guard hauls ass down the court shouting "get down" as all a sudden UNC forward intercepts the pass from mid court and swings her body and looks for someone to pass to when she spies hazel breaking down the court "ball (yells) ball" "got you" throws the ball as Hazel catches it and goes up for the layup
"AHH" as she bounces it off the back board but is quickly tackled into the crowd under the hoop. Hazel rolls into the usc fans and doesn't immediate get up.
In the crowd Maya stands up and almost moves when Juju hauls her back as she shouts
" this isn't madden bitch" looks at coach run to hazel "if she has broken a finger I'm kicking ass"
Hazel POV
damn big bitch... I could have sworn this game wasn't madden. I'm so sore... I low key can't move my arm (lifts it alit) shit it hurts
Her coach runs up to hazel as the team medics rush to her side to pick her up" Hazel honey are you okay ?" Hazel gets up and slowly rotates her shoulder "yeah. I'm peachy." Hazel looks at the scoreboard "we still got 30 sec. and I got to shoot" as she walks to the foul line her teammates slap her back sending their concerns as Hazel reinforces that she was good and looks at the referee "I'm shooting?" He nods and passes Hazel the ball" we winning this "Hazel shoots 1 makes it shoots 2nd makes it as she sees looks at her point "press" and runs to her man as the point guard buts pressure on her person and within seconds she snatches the balls passes to the forward who lingered back as Hazel shouts "shoot "and watches as the ball makes it into the hoop. As the buzzer ends the game and all the UNC bench rushes the court and tackles the forward and Hazel turns her head and sees Maya walking to hazel "GIRL are u ok because I would like to fry that big bitch" Hazel just laughs.