She stepped through the detector it buzzes. Everyone freezes " it would be me, its cause I'm black and sexy " she looks and spots the security guard come up to her " ma'am I need to see your bag" she huffs " what the hell if I was carrying a bomb...
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Maya shouts "Hazel hurry up" looks around her surroundings "KNEES TO CHEST HOE"
Hazel finally making it to the sidewalk , she bends down slightly and huffs "sorry long line" Maya shakes her head "why didn't you just get snacks from the food both" Hazel lifts her bag " they didn't have Arizona or hot fries" as they start walking to the gym and see the fans wearing the colors Carolina blue and white , when maya suddenly stops and looks at the other teams cheerleaders
Maya" girl look mad ass uncomfortable " Hazel points to herself "Me ?" Maya shakes her head " naw nigga her" points at the other team cheerleader that back flipping , Hazel scratches her head and looks " I don't see shit " looks harder " GOT DAMN look at that Camel toe ...shit gotta hurt " Maya chuckles "hell her crouch is eating her uniform " as she keeps watching the girl back flip. As she looks off Hazel punches her arm " Maya her braid fell out " as Hazel burst out laughing " I bet you wont walk up to her and give that braid back " Maya looked at Hazel " don't dare me cause I will do it " Hazel wipes her eyes " I triple dog dare you " Maya huffs and starts walking towards the cheerleaders barley hearing Hazel shout "OH SHIT I WAS PLAYING "
Maya walks up to the middle of the floor where the cheerleaders were at and picked up the piece braid , and cleared her throat
"excuse me....excuse me" watches as the girl looks dead in her face and turns away "I know this hoe ... SKEEZER YOUR BRAID FELL OUT" the cheerleader snaps her head towards to Maya and pats her head "that ain't mine" Maya gives her a blank face " then whose is it chuckles cause you the only hoe that got braids ...maroon at that " Maya leans closer and points at the girls head " I see a bald spot" the cheerleader shrinks back "thats not mine bitch " Maya looks at the braid and back at the girl "WHO YOU CALLING A BITCH " as Maya walks up on the girl until she's blocked by a UNC jersey
Hazel looks back at Maya "can you not act crazy damn you see this SKEEZER don't want to accept this badly braided hair so let it go " then Hazel turns toward the cheerleader and sees to more girls behind her
"oh so we jumping now , cause let me know before I show my ass before the game start" the cheerleaders flicked them off and walked back to the squad "Bitch I'm not daring your black ass no more almost got me asking a coon in this majority white school" Maya shrug " you act like we cant fight " Hazel shakes her head and leads Maya to the bleachers where JJ and Damari is seating. "stay "
she walks to the locker room Maya snatches some popcorn from JJ "no house training " JJ says while glaring at Maya .
Maya looks at JJ and snatches some more popcorn "man I bet 20 dollars that Hazel is gonna make 22 shots" JJ smack his teeth " SIKE , she probably gonna make 10 shots" Damari looks at his phone "hell I say at least 12 " Maya rubs her hands on her jeans " ok how much y'all losing...I mean betting tonight " Damari " you got jokes Maya , but I got 15 " JJ snorts " a nigga got 5 " Maya mugs him " cheap ass" JJ widens his eye " I got laundry to do , I aint balling miss I got money from here to Florida " Damari " true and I gotta have food money " Maya stares at Damari " my nigga you eat for free at the cafe" " cant swipe at Smithfield's " Maya shakes her head and laughs and tunes into the game opening .