Chapter 11: Never a right time to Say goodbye

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Getting  into the car and pulling out Maya sees the same two girls outside of the club still in line , Hazel puts her head out the window " BYE BITCH "

 In the car for 20 minutes 

 Maya looks at Chris "so Chris when is your next tour comin" 

Chris looked at her and back to the road " two weeks " Maya looks uncertain

 " hey Hazel when is your tournament" 

Hazel looked from the window " 2 weeks "

 " damn so it's gonna be a long time when we see eachother " 

" babe we got facetime n shit and I could fly you out to see me " Maya thinks for a minute when Hazel leans in between the seat 

" right but what if y'all get to busy and y'all NEVER hit Chapel Hill " 

" right y'all go to Raleigh or Charlotte" Chris thinks and looks at Josh in the mirror 

" hey Josh get my manager" Josh nods and dials the number and hits the speaker.

A man answers " hello " 

"what's good Matt"

 " what's good Chris "

 " what's the dates for the tour "

 " give me a second to pull it up " .....shuffling papers

" GOTDAMN what he searching for the hidden temple " Hazel mumbles while playing on her phone 

"shut up Haze " Maya says while rolling her eyes " ok I'm back , here's the dates "

March 3  Universal city,CA

March 16  Las Vegas, CA

March 17 Anaheim, CA

March 18   Phoenix,AZ

March 19  Albuquerque, NM

March 20  Nashville, TN

March 22  Kansas city, K

March 24  Jacksonville , fl

March 25  Dallas, TX

March 29  New Orleans

March 30  Tampa, Fl

April 2   New York, NY

April 4   Denver, Colorado

April 7   Houston , TX

Hazel whistles softy as Chris hangs up the phone " thanks boss man peace " 

" bye " 

the car turns silent for 5 minutes 

" I can't believe y'all going to Ratchet ass Jacksonville but not chapel hill what the fuck" Hazel smacked her teeth while looking back at her phone. 

Maya out her window " I guess this means we won't see each other at all for 2 months  and its not like I can take a moment to meet you with Hazel and the team qualify for NCAA tournament " 

Chris places the car in park 

" Why are you ending shit before it just got started " 

Maya looked off 

" because we are fooling ourselves that we can be gone for that long and still have that connection " Chris rolled his eyes and got out the car and ran towards Maya door 

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