She stepped through the detector it buzzes. Everyone freezes " it would be me, its cause I'm black and sexy " she looks and spots the security guard come up to her " ma'am I need to see your bag" she huffs " what the hell if I was carrying a bomb...
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As the whole gymnasium empties out Hazel and Maya hang back shooting around the ball "I feel so happy" Hazel makes a two pointer "so" Maya says nonchalantly while grabbing the ball and passing it back to Hazel. As she smacks her teeth loudly" nigga try to be happy and all she says is so" Hazel says as she shakes her head.
Across the court by the Men's locker room a group of guys step out of the door talking when one of them looks up hearing a noise from the court. " Yo isn't those the girls that was playing in today's game?" the taller boy looks in the direction "correction the one in the jersey is good shit she scored majority of the points" he said while pulling out his phone as his look alike bumped into him "hell yea" the main guy looks at his phone and then back to the girls
"they look cute; hey we should go introduce ourselves" the twins nodded their heads as they moved in the girl's direction. As they got 3 feet away from the two girls they suddenly stopped when they heard "if you luv your nigga" "hug your nigga" the two girls scream as they jumped into each other's arms "nigga"
"what in the hell" As the twins both started laughing really loud, as the girls freeze and Maya looks over her shoulder. "oh shit girl there are dudes behind us" Hazel looked at her and faced forward "and? Stop looking at them hoe, turn around" Maya turned all the way around then cursed as she sees the guys walking to them , so she does what anyone in the right mind would do.
She waved
Hazel looked at Maya like she was mental "bitch put your hand down and lets go "she spots them really close " dammint to all hell " as she puts her head down and stared at the floor.
The guys finally make it to them and the shorter one out of the three spoke up "wassup I'm Romeo and these are "he started pointing to his left, as one of the twins bumped into his shoulder smiling at Maya " nigga we aren't in preschool, I'm john da sexy one" as he lifts Maya hand , the other twin walked up and grabbed the other hand " he might be the sexy one but I'm the breath takin one I'm Javion" Maya giggles "ya'll a trip.. well I'm Maya and this is hazel" Javion dropped Maya hand and looked at Hazel
" why don't she talk" as he stared at Hazel while she still didn't look up as the other guys nodded they head . Maya looked at Hazel " well she is shy " but as quickly as she explained she catch Hazel in the corner of her eye sneaking away "HAZEL RENEE JAMES bring your shy mute ass here" Romeo and the guys laugh as Hazel stops and turns around "they government name though?" Maya rolled her eyes " uh, where do you think you going" " uh, I was uh..." " yea, you was what" Hazel shrugs and scratch her head
" I was going to uh take a shower" Maya looked at her with a blank face " naw, no you weren't you was just leaving so you wouldn't have to talk" Romeo started fake crying "damn ol' girl don't even want to talk to us" John joined him "I know bruh" Javion looks at Hazel too "I think it's because we're light skinned" Hazel started laughing clutching her stomach " oh we got her to laugh" Romeo spoke up " what yall ladies fit to do" Maya looks art Hazel and then back to Romeo " go back to da hotel and chill" John looked at his phone "we wanted to hang out with yall" "well umm its 8:30 right now and our curfew is at 12:30 so if you can think of something that we can do that time frame I'm down. "Romeo looks at his boys and smirk and rubs his hands together "I think we can find something to do."