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Feeling the stage rumble rapidly under her feet made chills run up her spine.

'Just how many people work here?' She thought with uneasy look.

In a matter of seconds, the room was flooded with unfamiliar people, all chatting with one another. The repeated colors of red and blue made her almost blind. She had never seen this many people in one area. As part of her job, she studied the faces of the soldiers that stood slightly below her. Some displayed concern or confusion, sometimes a frightened expression. With an annoyed huff, she saw that Red Leader had already made himself to the standing microphone, whipping the microphone into his hand. A irritating noise from the microphone made everyone duck for their ears and silence themselves. Red Leader smirked.

"Thank you for joining us this evening! But there is something important I must announce!" Red Leader began. The entire room had filled with surprised noises and worried talking. Katie bit her lip, her heartbeat increasing. Although she wasn't the centre of attention, she tried to clam her stage fright. A light tap on her shoulder made her whole body tense and flinch away from the source. Glancing beside her, she had the sights of a male.

He had combed back brunette hair with a pair of shades on top. His uniform was simple but what she found odd was that he didn't have long sleeves. For some reason, she kept that detail in mind. She glared down to his chest and spotted his worn name tag.


He was another General. She heard that the General was giving up his position to become a private again, she was unsure about the rumour though. She mentally shook her head.

'Brandon is still alive? But I- No. That's not him. Brandon was never a General.' She thought to herself, staring over the males features.

'He has a second ear. That's not him.' She reassured herself through her thoughts. The other General had a questionable expression on his well-tanned face.

"Hey, aren't you the 12 month General?" He mumbled, trying not to interrupted Red Leaders message to the army.

"12 month?- what?" She glanced to the side and dug her teeth into her bottom lip harder. "I guess- Yeah. Why?" She nodded. She never changed her body posture, she still faced the crowd of soldiers. Brandon on the other hand seemed out of place, standing strangely close to the her.

"Well lady? How did ya' do it?" Brandon fixed a palm onto his hip and tilted to the side slightly. He whisper softly. "I won't tell anyone." She felt him smirk against her skin before pulling himself away from her. "Come on." He muttered with a lower tuned chuckle.

She teared her stare away from him and blew the hair out of her face. She quickly become uncomfortable around him. "If you want something, get it. Did you really spend three to seven years here just to become a General?" She smirked and tilted her head back to show the young man her smile.

He grinned and raised a finger up, looking like he was proving a point. "No, I spent two years here. I got here from hard work. -like sitting around all day." He chuckled sweetly and returned back into his original position. He winked at the female. "How about we continue this after? I don't wanna be 'rude' talking during the announcement." He smiled warmly and trailed his eyes off the stage.

Katie smiled, doubtful if she should trust Brandon or not. "Sure." She agreed with a firm nod. Training her ears back to Red Leader, she was meet with his strong Norwegian accent blasting through the speakers.

"It has come to my attention that we may have some-" Red Leader paused, his eyes turning back to the line of General's, hastily glaring back at the crowd. It was weird that only now was Red leader now announcing the rat. "- Extra eyes in our facility! These traitors-"

Her skipped a beat.

"- Are from another military unit! I want any suspicious behaviour reported to me immediately!"

This was news to everybody. The General's seemingly appeared shocked or surprised.

"'These traitors'?"

"There are more of them?"

"We didn't get informed about this."

"How is there more of them?"

"Rat to rats."

"'Traitors'? Oh no." Katie joined the mutters with the higher ranks.

'How the fuck! There's no way that-' she stopped and glanced around at the crowd, trying to clear her mind. She spotted multiple people whispering, shouting and some sighing with relief, probably because they thought the meeting was about something else. She growled and turned her chin to Red Leader.

"That is all! This meeting is now dismissed!" Red Leader finished and smiled eerily, everyone saluted at his grin and march out of the area. It took some time before everyone left. Silence hung over Red Leader and the General's.

Red Leader turned his heel to face the higher ranks, stomping his boot harshly on the floor. "That means you too! Dismissed!" He repeated, his voice marginally vibrating through his throat. With a nod of their heads, the General's fled the area and returned quickly to their dorms without hesitation.

Extra Army Eyes | Red Army OC {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now