
18 1 1

2 days had already passed. Unglück and her partner, Watrous, ended up spending more time together than usual since the General managed to finish her work early. The two seemed to get along quite well. Watrous was open, active, inclusive and strangely positive which cause the brunette to force herself out of her shell. Unglück appeared to be the opposite of her partner, she was closed, distant, silent and observant.

Katie became self-aware of her behavior. She remembered back when she first entered the army, she was shy and unconformable at times but eventually opened herself up to the other privates, especially to Amy, her partner in crime at the time. She didn't reacted to Amy's death as much as she thought, she felt empty without her. Death always followed her anyway, it was part of her job.

Brandon helped her get over Amy's passing. Making the same mistake again, she opened up to him, which had led to his death. From then, she attempted not to opened up to anyone else, scared by the thought that she would get too attached. Depending on anyone was something she couldn't do, it was too much of a risk.

Unglück was currently walking down a hall with Watrous, her roommate was speaking whatever came to mind. The General nodded along to what she was saying and listened to her words. It was odd because she was actually listening to someone when they were speaking to her.

The two had just finished their lunch and were headed back to their room. The lighter brunette was walking carelessly with her eyes closed, talking to Katie about random topics. Katie immediately noticed someone else walking down the hall approaching them. Since her roommate was taking up two-thirds of the hallway, the General grabbed onto Rachael's wrist and pulled her closer towards her as the soldier passed.

The confused woman peeled open her eyes in confusion as Katie ripped her hand away from Rachael's. Her partner squeezed out a silent yelp and glared at her friend than quickly behind her, spotting the soldier walking by. She cracked an awkward grin and turned back to Katie.

"Whoops." She whispered with a soundless chuckle under her breath. The general seemed to be stroking her hand lightly, looking a bit lost. Rachael's hand was so warm and her's were so cold, it made her fingertips sting.

"Be careful." She said, dragging her pupils to friend. Katie shifted her red belt around her waist to make it seem more comfortable and continued walking. Adjusting her glasses, Rachael scratched the back of her neck nervously and nodded.

"Right." It wasn't long before her partner resumed talking where she left off. The brunette didn't have to add to the conversion since Rachael was continuously chatting until she heard her pause. Finding herself tuned out of the conversion, she glanced over to her roommate and hummed under her throat. She didn't seem to catch the last sentence Rachael said. The younger female kindly repeated.

"How are you?" The general was slightly caught off guard, she couldn't remember the last time anyone asked her that. Rubbing her left arm in uncertainty, she glanced away and dragged in a dry breath. To be truly honest, she wasn't doing to well, she was slowly breaking but shes trying to keep herself together- she just needs a little help. But she wont admit it.

"Better than usual." She lied, clicking her tongue and locking her eyes back onto Rachael's emeralds. "What about you? How are you holding up?" Her partner shrugged and and hid her hands inside her hoodie's pockets.

"Good. Work is kinda boring, I have to be patient though." Being slightly confused by what she meant, she smiled faintly in response. Turning a corner, Katie nodded and felt her arm begin to flare up oddly. Ignoring it, she continued to speak to her roommate.

"It will get better, dont worry." She reassured, turning away and furrowing her eyebrows. Her right arm started burn and itch which caused her to bite her lip. Enjoying the painful walk back to her dorm, she twisted open the door for her partner. Watrous curled her pink lips at the brunette and entered. Shutting the door behind her, Katie swiftly unbuttoned her overcoat and carefully tossed it on her desk chair.

Watrous tugged off her boots and quickly untangled her overcoat from around her waist, falling onto her bed seconds after. The brown eyed woman, watched in silence as she ambled over to the mirror on the bathroom door. Ripping out her hair tie with a yank, Unglück look at herself with a sharp glare and noticed her contact lenses were still on. Since she tended to leave on her contacts longer than usual, it didn't come as a surprise.

Peeling out the lenses and throwing them away, the General landed on her bed with a loud sigh. Shifting her head, she glanced over at Rachael green crystals. Eventually, Rachael felt her stare on her shoulder and turned her head to the brunette. Before she could make eye contact, Unglück had rolled over and dragged the her blanket over herself.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to sleep?" Watrous suggested, pulling out her phone from her pocket and turning away from the general to glare at her phone. Unglück shrugged in response.

"I'm exhausted, figured I would take a quick nap before dinner." She stated, yawning as she buried her face in comfort of her white pillow.

"Sleep well then."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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