Will this one last?

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Katie's heart dropped for a spilt second, she knew at some point that she would have someone beside her again, it was inevitable. Maybe Watrous will be the last, hopefully. Before the General could say anything, the female on the other side of the door muttered something, reading something off the paper.

"Oh and we're also partners." The woman curled up her lips and locked her eyes onto Katie's. She had never seen green eyes that looked so pretty. Watrous pushed out her hand, signalling to shake. "My name is Rachael! Nice to finally meet you." She exclaimed. Katie had the slightest bit of doubt inside her chest but she eventually pulled out her hand to firmly shake Rachael's.

"Katie 'K.A' Unglück. Nice to meet you as well." Tearing away from the shake, Katie placed her hand back to her side. Watrous seemed like she was going to say something but quickly stopped herself. She pointed down the hallway and spoke up once more.

"I'll go get my stuff from my room." Without a second thought, Watrous had sprinted down the hallway to retrieve her belongings.

"And I'll clean up here." Katie replied, knowing that Watrous had already left with no warning. Shutting the door closed, she began to tidy her dorm, stacking papers, folders and other paperwork related objects to the side of her desk. Throwing clothes that were on the floor, into a basket. And making her bed that was grossly covered in nightmare sweat.

By the time she was done, she heard someone pound on her door. Knowing it was her roommate, she stumbled over and twisted the door open for Rachael. The female was carrying a somewhat large open cardboard box between her arms that was filled with all her possessions.

Watching her wobble over to the empty bed on the left, Katie stood in place, not sure what to do. Her mind finally clicking, she decided to introduce the room to Rachael. Strolling over to the bed that Rachael had just claimed, she began to explain a few things.

"There are couple of drawers that pull out at the end of the bed that are for your clothes." She bent down and yanked on the handle, revealing a small storage compartment. "We both have a desk. This is yours." Straightening her legs, she moved over to Rachael's desk, not far from her bed. "And that's the bathroom." Katie pointed over to the closed door near her desk.

Rachael exhaled loudly, falling onto the mattress of her bed. She had placed her cardboard box at the bottom of her bed and sat down to rest. Adjusting her glasses, Rachael glared over to the General, who was now on her bed too.

"Thanks for the house tour." She jokingly said but it oddly came off as sincere. There was a long pause between them, though it only lasted a few seconds.

"So what do you do around here?" Rachael asked, attempting to start a conversation. She looked as if she was ready to sleep since she was already laying down on her new bed. Katie cleared her throat and crossed over her legs, preparing herself to talk.

"I'm the General in the Stealth Unit. I give out commands and orders or check on the soldiers but I mostly do paperwork." Katie explained, rubbing her temple.

"Being a General must be cool. I mean, you get a nice dorm. But I'm partnered with one so that's even better." Rachael grinned, using her eyes to scan the room as she sat up. Katie gave an awkward smile back. Not having an opening to reply, Rachael spat out something.

"You sound Australian." She quickly stated, turning her glaze to the brunette. Katie gave a weary chuckle and scratched the back of her neck, nervously nodding.

"I am Australian." She glared over to her new roommate, untangling her legs and pulling them up on the bed with her.

"But your surname is German." Watrous raised a curious brow as she began to rip off her boots and throw them onto the floor.

"I-I'm both, Australian and German." Katie broke eye contact and stared at Rachael's empty boots.

"Can you speak German?" Rachael asked, laying back down, using her arm to keep her head up and continuing looking at Katie. The taller female shook her head, replying.

"Um, n-no. I know some words but I can't have a proper conversation in German." She giggled drily in defeat, drawing back her hair with her fingers.

"Oh okay. You have to teach me some words though." Rachael rolled over, now facing the wall and her back to Katie. "I'm going to catch some Z's. I have work in 2 hours." Katie watched the young woman doze off as she sat quietly on her bed.

"Sure thing." She whispered. Within seconds, she was left with the silence of the room. Katie enjoyed the company of someone else but she wouldn't admit it. She sat still for an hour, observing her sleeping partner. She couldn't go back to sleep, the nightmare had scarred her. It felt a little disrespectful to Amy and Brandon that she moved on so quick and got a new roommate/partner, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Leaning her head against the wall, she remained awake and mute. Being bored with herself and having some disturbing thoughts, she slipped off her bed, grabbed her overcoat and exited the dorm. She wanted to wait after Rachael left for her duties but she was impatient.

Tying her hair in a low messy bun and chucking on her blue coat, she headed down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

A / N

Rachael is owned by CosetCosplay !!!

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