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By the time she returned to her room, Watrous had already left. All of her partner's belongings had already been unpacked while she was gone. Stumbling over to her roommate's desk, she glanced at her folders, books and the pencil case which had various pastel colors on it. Katie always had a tendency to pry.

Grabbing at one of Watrous's books, she picked up a small note book filled with random reminders, reports and some little diary entries that only lasted a few sentences. Nothing out of the ordinary. Clasping onto another book that was stacked under the previous book was an art journal. Flipping through her partner's drawings, she thought her drawings were quite decent but quickly shut the book. Placing the two books back into their correct places, she walked over to her bed.

The general slumped down onto the side of her bed and teared off her boots, soon taking a moment to think but nothing came to mind. Spending a few minutes staring blankly at the black carpet of her dorm, she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Standing up, she ambled to her desk and picked up a small golden clip from on top of one of her folders.

She hadn't touched it in so long, its memories stuck to it like glue. Katie could almost see her past partners in the reflection of the golden shine. Squeezing it inside her palm, she furrowed her brows and remembered some painful events but she knew people came and go, it was only natural. Peeling open her eyes, she looked down and sucked in a breath. 

Releasing the clip from her grasp, she hooked it onto her red belt and exhaled, finally taking a seat at her desk. Fiddling with some files and papers, she stacked them and pushed them to the side. Knowing that Watrous was gone for the next few hours, she began to do some work. Plucking a black pen from on top of her stacked books, she started to write for a hour or more.

Exhausted and craving soft drink, Katie yawned and rubbed her bagged eyes, trying to make her eyes pay attention to the stapled papers in front of her. Proving to be unsuccessful, she pushed herself out of her chair and proceed to walk to her bed. She had the idea to sleep but was immediately stopped in her steps when she walked past her reflection in the mirror (Which was located on the bathroom door between her desk and her bed).

Glaring at herself for a few seconds, she noticed her hair was messy and looked as if she went through hell and back. Pulling the hair tie out from her hair, she watched it collapse onto her shoulders. Groaning in annoyance, she pulled at her long hair and mumbled under her breath.

"I'll cut it once I get home." She whispered, chucking the hair tie on the desk and turning towards her white bed. Slamming her body onto her mattress, she rested her muscles for a few minutes, hoping she wouldn't feel the tense stress and depression throughout her body. Twisting her body, she laid on her back and glared at the spotless ceiling.

No matter how many times she stared and glared, it never changed. It was boring but the simple and tiring to look at. Almost dozing off, she suddenly felt her arm charge up with flames again. This had caused her senses to become awake and aware, stopping her from resting her eyes. Hissing through her teeth, she rolled over onto her right side and stroked her wounded arm

Squeezing her eyes closed, she inhaled slowly and eventually let her grip on her arm go. Knowing she had to deal with this, she attempted to get some shut eye, but wasn't able, she felt she was missing something. She hadn't even noticed when another hour passed on the clock until someone opened the door to her dorm.

Katie had her left arm hanging over the edge of her bed and had one of her pillows under her arm to cuddle, she always enjoyed hugging things whilst she slept, she found it quite odd but it felt nice to do. Being unsure if she was awake or asleep, she saw her partner closing the door behind her. Rachael stumbled towards the General with a questionable look on her face. Staring down at the barely conscious woman, Rachael held two bottles of some sort of beverage, raising an interested brow.

"You awake?" She asked since she was generally unable to tell if she was. Katie gave out a lousy grunt and gave her thumbs up with a nod. Faintly smirking, her partner pushed a bottle of soft drink towards her face and rolled her eyes slightly. "I got you something on the way back." She stated, Katie happily grabbed at the soda with a smile.

"Thanks." She nodded in appreciation and twisted the cap off, steadying sitting herself up. Rachael cracked a smile and bounced onto her bed,  snapping off the lid of the bottle. Katie took a sip of the orange colored soda while her roommate took a gulp from a yellow colored one.

"Exhausted?" Rachael said, it sounding more like a question. Katie glanced over to her for a second before leaning on the wall against her bed. She had another mouthful before responding. 

"I guess you could say that." She shrugged and chugged down the rest of the bottle, the fizzle satisfied her stomach. Laying her back down on her side, she lent over the edge and put the empty soda bottle next to her boots, being too lazy and having the lack of energy to put in the rubbish bin. "I'm gonna get some rest." 

"Alright-y." Rachael hummed under her throat as a reply. It wasn't long before Katie passed out, she probably needed a drink before resting or needed the company. She wasn't complaining since finally fell unconscious and rested her eyes. It felt like three years since she last slept.

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