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The big white car that I was currently sat in approached the church. I had so many butterflies in my stomach.

I've waited so long for this day. I used to buy wedding magazines and fantasise about a big wedding day with a big wedding dress.

Now look at me, sat in my dream wedding car in my dream wedding dress..about to get married to my dream man. My life is pretty much perfect.

My grandad would be so proud of me right now.

"M'lady." The chauffeur opened the door and held out his hand. I grinned,taking his hand and stepping out of the car. I turned around to see my father grinning away at me.

"Thank you Mr chauffeur." I smiled politely at him. The nerves are really building up now.

My father stood beside me,giving me a reassuring smile. "Shall we?" I linked my arm with his and entered the building with my three beautiful brides maids and my maid of honour.

We got to the heavy wooden door of the church. "This is so exciting!" Marie squealed quietly making me chuckle.

The doors opened and the music played. The brides maids walked in and everyone turned around, awaiting to see me.

I walked down the isle with my father. Everyone was staring at me, even he was staring at me with a massive grin upon his face. A smirk had made its way onto my lips as my dad gave me to him.

"Wow." He whispered to me, taking my small petite hands in his large masculine ones.

This is actually happening.

A few hours later and the party had well and truly started. Tyler and me where now officially married. How crazy is that?! Only two years ago we met and two years on.. We're married.

"You're so beautiful, Aubrey." Tyler whispered in my ear. His hands snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"And you're very charming, Tyler." I winked,pecking him delicately on the lips. We swayed and danced till he was taken away by his best man to dance. I just laughed and told him not to get too drunk.

I decided to sit down,take my shoes off and drink my champagne to my hearts content. "You look beautiful, Aubrey. Tyler's lucky to have you." A husky voice took my out of my trance.

I turned around, looking at this boy- or rather man. He looked about my age, probably older. He had curly hair which had been styled into a quiff.

"Thank you.." His eyes never left mine and his lips parted slightly, breathing slowly. "I don't mean to be rude but,who are you?" I honestly have never seen him before in my life. Friend of Tyler's maybe?

He chuckled,shaking his head. "I'm Harry, friend of the groom." His hand extended towards me. I shook his hand and just sat there,staring at him.

I knew most- if not all of Tyler's friends and how come I've never seen Harry? Either Harry was lying to me or Tyler was hiding him from me.

I'm not going to lie, this Harry bloke was pretty damn hot. If I wasn't married I'd be all over him. He seemed composed and well mannered.

"So... How's your wedding so far?" A smirk played on his lips,his green eyes sparkling from the disco lights.

"Pretty good I guess..-" I was about to finish my sentence when Noah- my nephew approached me.

"May I have this dance?" Noah bowed to me and grabbed my hand. "Why of course!" I grinned, standing up. I waved goodbye to Harry, who sat there watching us with champagne in his hand.

Noah put his small hands on my waist and I put my hands in his shoulders. We danced through about..four songs. Including the Macarena- of course.

A deep cough came from behind me, making me jump. I turned around to see the man from earlier stood before me.

Harry looked at Noah. "May I borrow the bride for a dance?" He suggested,asking Noah. The little boy simply nodded and skipped away to the food table.

Without even asking me for permission, Harry pulled me towards him, his hand on my waist and the other on intertwined with my other hand. I kept my free hand on his shoulders- his broad shoulders.

"How come I've never seen you before? I know all of Ty's friends and I've never heard about you before." I asked, swaying to an Ed Sheeran song.

Harry grinned, a dimple popping out. "He didn't want me to meet you. Apparently I'm dangerous, charming and alluring. He was scared I'd steal your heart." Again, Harry chuckled, obviously finding it funny.

"He was scared I was going to cheat on him with you?!" It really didn't amaze me. Tyler was really very protective of me, he also didn't trust me that much. I don't know why.

"Pretty much. I'd never steal your heart, it's already been stolen." Harry stated, putting both his hands on my waist.

I smiled, my heart has been stolen. My parents never really liked Tyler. I think it was mainly his parents they didn't like. It was quite funny to see them argue of the most smallest of things. "Yeah.."

Harry didn't say anything. He just simply watched my lips as I talked. I don't know why they were so interesting.

"So, you got a lover then Mr curly quiff boy?" He grinned at my nickname for him.

"I did." A deep sigh escaped his pink lips. He shut his eyes and just swayed to the music. "She was a bitch."

I laughed, causing him to open his eyes and laugh with me. "It's true though. She wasn't worth my time."

I was about to reply when I was ripped from his hold- by Tyler.

"May I have my wife back?" Tyler gritted his teeth and gave Harry a death glare. Tyler pulled me away from the dance floor and towards the hall.

He turned me around and pushed me up against a wall. "I don't want to see you talking with him again, you hear me." His voice was rough and demanding.

I stood there in shock. "Of course baby. Not like he'll steal my heart like you did." I simply replied. My words instantly made Tyler calm. He smiled at me, rubbing his nose against mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

P.S. I'm Married // Harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now