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// hasn't been spellchecked or anything so I apologise \\

"I can't believe it... You were pregnant?! " Nancy said as she sipped on her coffee. "Holy shit, Aubrey." She muttered.

I didn't even realise myself. I mean yes I was sick once or twice but it didn't affect me. If I knew I was pregnant I wouldn't have drunken all that wine.

"What am I going to tell Ty?" I sighed, playing with my cup. We decided to make a trip to our local coffee shop to talk through the options. Nancy was a lot of help - most of the time, anyway.

Nancy tilted her head back for a second, think carefully. "I wouldn't tell him." My eyes widened at her statement. I can't not tell him, he deserves to know. On the other hand, if I tell him, he'll make a big deal out of it. He'll give me unwanted sympathy and maybe even want to try again with a making a baby. Sex was usually the answer with Ty.

"Nancy, you can't tell anyone. This is between me and you." I demanded, drinking some of my coffee. "No one will find out and we'll forget about this." I decided as I stood up, Nancy standing also.

She came over to me, embracing me in a tight hug. "Good luck and I'm sorry." She whispered into my ear before pulling away. "Do you want me to walk you home from here?"

"No it's ok." I smiled. "Thank you for today Nancy, I couldn't have done it without you." She smiled brightly before grabbing her coat and leaving.

Well, now I have to decided what I'm going to say to Tyler. I hated lying to him but I felt it was better him not knowing. I hope Harry didn't ask either.

When I got home, I took some ibuprofen and slumped on the sofa. I presume Tyler was working like he said he would be so I decided to ask harry if he wanted to come over again. He was actually a really nice guy and he hasn't hit on me since he got Tyler drunk and high. A friend was what I needed right now, seeing as though most of my friends were back in London and probably didn't want to come to Bath just to have a movie night. Harry was a really good person at heart -although at first glance he looks like a bad person.

I got up from my position on the couch and went next door to Harry. I did my typical 'Sheldon' knock. If you're not familiar with that know it goes something like-

Knock, knock, knock. "Harry."

Knock, knock, knock. "Harry."

Knock,knock,knock. "Harry."

It was annoying- sure, but at least you knew it was me and not some axe murderer at the door.

Harry opened the door after the third knock, smirking at my presence. "Yes,madam?"

"I got bored." I shrugged as I leaned on the door frame. "Did you want to come over or-" Harry pulled me in his flat by his arm and swiftly shut the door.

"What did you wanna do?" He smiled, laying on the sofa in an inviting position.

I sat next to him. "Watch movies and snuggle. Only I don't have Tyler for the last option so we'll just watch movies." I giggled, putting my feet up on the sofa.

"Well we could-"

"I'm not snuggling with you, harry." I laughed, getting up to see the choice of DVDs.

"I was going to say... We could order Chinese. Why do you think I'd want to snuggle with you? Unless you wanted to snuggle." He winked, causing my cheeks to heat up. He couldn't see -which I was glad about. If he saw me blush, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"What movie shall we watch?" I asked, turning round to see harry behind me.

Harry shrugged and looked at the films himself. "Would you hate me if I chose a horror?" He smirked and leaned back on his hand, reading the information on the back of the 'Insidious' DVD.

P.S. I'm Married // Harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now