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The rain was getting heavier as I trudged in my wet Uggs to the nearest Morrison's. You would've thought I would have learnt from the first time of wearing uggs in the rain but apparently not. They were like heavy sponges on my feet and they were so uncomfortable I felt like taking them off -along with my socks- and throwing them in a river somewhere. I'd rather walk bear footed than wear the sponges on my feet.

As I reached Morrison's, I put my umbrella down, shaking all the excess rain water off. The warm air hit me like a lorry as I entered the shop and I felt even more uncomfortable. The mixture of cold and wet feet with the warmness of the air made me feel very dirty. I don't even know why I wore my Uggs out in the pouring rain.

I went down the frozen food isle and spotted the microwave meals. I pulled out a chicken korma and headed for the alcohol isle.

I know, I'm so classy. Buying microwave meals instead of preparing and cooking a real meal, but it's Sunday. I couldn't be bothered to cook and as Tyler wasn't going to be home; what's the point in cooking.

I picked out my usual bottle of red wine and headed for the checkouts. I placed my items on the conveyer belt and searched for my purse.

"Hello, stranger." A voice that sounded similar said which made my head shoot up.

"You work in Morrison's?" I chuckled as Harry scanned the items and packed them into a bag.

"You walked here?" Ignoring the question, he smiled as he pressed a few buttons on the screen. "£24.60 please."

"Well, yeah. Tyler's out tonight and I couldn't be bothered to cook so I thought I'd get myself some more wine and a microwave meal." I smiled to myself, handing over £25.

Harry frowned, taking the money. "Where is he going?"

"His mothers." I lied, I actually don't know where he was going but if I said that, I knew it would spark up an argument.

Harry simply hummed as he gave me my change a receipt. "Do you want a lift home?" He asked as he stepped out towards me.

If I said no to this offer, I would fall a burden to walking in the soaking wet rain and my uggs were already driving my crazy. "If you don't mind." I mumbled.

Harry grinned as he pulled his name badge off and logged out. "Good job you caught me just before I finish work otherwise you'd have to walk home." He laughed, going into a store room and getting his jacket and keys.

I smiled with him, wishing he'd just hurry up and get me home. I had booked re runs of The Big Bang Theory on TV because Tyler never let me watch it. He thought it was stupid and nerdy but of course I loved it. Sheldon slays.

We got in his Range Rover, Harry's hair soaking wet from the rain. He looked like baby Tarzan.

The drive home was silent but it was bearable.

"Thanks for the lift..." I mumbled under my breath and stepped into my apartment. Just as I was about to shut the door, Harry put his -massive- foot in the way.

"Are you not going to invite me in?" He questioned, unbuttoning some buttons of his shirt. "I need the company tonight, too." He smiled, waiting for my permission.

Well... What's the worst that could happen? There's actually a lot that could happen, but seeing as though he's -hopefully- learnt from his mistake of hitting on a married women, I don't see why he can't come in.

"Sure, but take off your shoes." I smiled, taking off my own shoes and socks. I placed them by the radiator and got two towels from the bathroom and handed Harry one to dry his hair with.

"So, where is your husband again?" Harry asked, sitting on the sofa as I prepared my korma.

"At his mothers, I told you earlier."

Harry hummed and put his feet on the coffee table. "Can I have some wine?"

I pondered my choices. If I gave him wine and he got tipsy; god knows what he'll do. On the other hand; if I say no... I'll sound really mean. "Yeah.." I slowly dragged out the word, not really sure whether I meant it or not.

Once my meal was ready, I poured out two glasses of wine and handed Harry a glass. "Feet off the table, please." I asked Harry as I moved past him and sat next to him on the sofa.

He grumbled and took his legs down, switching the TV on.

"Harry..." I asked. I really wanted to know more about this Kylie girl. I had heard about her at the wedding and the other day so I figured it would be a good topic for conversation.

He turned to me, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at me. "Yes, babe?"

"One, stop calling be babe and two; what happened with Kylie?" I eat some of my korma, ready to listen.

He sighed, playing with the corner of his lips. "A lot happened. Lets not talk about her?" He seemed uncomfortable with the subject and I'm intrigued as to why. "When will lover boy be back, babe?" He winked as he sipped on his wine.

"I don't know.." Tyler had gone out most Sundays to play badminton with the lads but usually he'd tell me where he was going and when he'd be back but this week he didn't. He simply said "I'm going out, love you." and left. I was confused at the time but I just thought maybe he's going to play some sport like previous Sundays.

"Oh." Harry simply said before getting more wine. "More?"

"Yes, please." I smiled as he filled up my glass. "Has anyone ever told you how manly you look drinking wine?" I chuckled.

He laughed too and popped him self next to me. "And has anyone ever told you that you drink too much wine?"

"I only drink wine when Tyler's not here! Anyway, have you got a problem with me drinking wine?"

Harry simply nodded. "Of course I don't have a problem. You're more fun with wine anyway." He smirked, putting his glass down and turning to face me.

"Dude, I'm fun without wine... The wine just brings my fun-ness out a little.

A few hours later m, we were on our backs laughing for no particular reason.

"Babe, we should do this more often. " Harry smiled as my vision became blurry.

"We should." I smirked back at him, rolling of the sofa. Suddenly, a massive pain hit my lower stomach, making me fall over onto the kitchen tiles in agony.

"Babe?" Harry asked as he rushed into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" He knelt down into the tiles and placed his warm hand on my cheek.

"It hurts." The pain was spiralling out of control. It was like a period pain but one hundred times worse. "It really hurts, Harry." I sobbed before he picked me up and placed me into my bed.

He laid next to me with one hand on my lower stomach and one hand in my hair. "It'll be ok, I'll get you a hot water bottle and Pain killers." He kissed my forehead before exiting the room.

P.S. I'm Married // Harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now