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"Baby, can you move the sofa of there?" I said to Tyler, pointing to the corner of the room. It had been a month since the wedding and we decided to buy a new flat in London. It wasn't too small, it was a perfect size for Tyler and I.

Tyler sighed before moving the sofa to where I had instructed. "Better?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"Hm.. I guess that'll do." I winked and strolled over to him. I grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled him into me. "I love you." I whispered, placing my hands on his chest. He closed his eyes.

"I love you-"

"Hi." A voice interrupted us,making us turn around.

It was the curly quiff boy. "Hello!" I smiled, letting go of Tyler. Speaking of Tyler, he didn't look to pleased with Harry's presence.

"I thought I'd help a good neighbour and all." He smirked,looking at me. His right hand swiftly brushed his curly hair out of his face.

"Thank you, Hun! Would you like some tea?" I offered, ignoring the evil glares I was receiving from Tyler. I don't know why he feels the need to hide me away from talking to other males. Oh so protective. Tyler just sighed. "I'm going to the moving van, get some things for the bedroom." He was now moody, which I just chuckled at.

Harry just stood there, observing my actions, placing his hands in his back trouser pockets. "Nice place." He complimented, looking around then looking back at me.

"I know, I love it!" I cheered, walking into the kitchen. "How many sugars, Hunny?"

"One." I could feel his hot breath in my neck as he was now stood behind me.

"Gotcha." I awkwardly put a sugar in the cup along with a tea bag, boiling the kettle.

As I went to get some biscuits, a hand stopped me. "Harry,what-"

"Has anyone told you how you always look beautiful, even in dungarees with no make up on?" His eyes were locked on me as I stood shocked by his words.

"Yes, Harry. Tyler has." This seemed to make his pupils dilate and his breathing became heavy and uneven.

He pushed himself against me, his breath fanning me. "Harry you creep, get the fuck off me! I'm married!" I whisper-shouted. I can't believe him.

"Don't pretend you don't like it, babe." His breath was now hot on my ear and his hands snaked around my waist.

I've had I pushed him with all my strength,making him stumble back a little. He didn't look guilty, he just wore that stupid smirk he always wears and chuckled. "You're funny to tease."

"And you're rude." I stated, pouring water into the three cups,adding milk. "Finish your tea then leave."

Harry seemed nice at first but know I realise why Ty didn't want me to meet him. He is a flirtatious women's man. He pisses me off.

"Aw, you don't want me to stay?" Harry was no longer wearing his usual smirk, instead, he just stared at me... Almost innocently.

"Not really no."

The door of my apartment opened and Ty stumbled in with a couple of boxes. He placed them down and looked at me then to Harry. "Harry, you're still here?"

Harry was about to reply when I butted in. "Actually, he was just leaving." I triumphantly smiled at Harry, making him give me an evil glare.

Once he was out of the apartment, I walked over to Tyler, wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my head on his chest, hearing his steady heart beat. "Keep Harry away from me please Tyler." I whispered. I really don't like that curly quiff boy. He seemed mysterious and rude. Defiantly rude.

"Yeah, baby. I did tell you not to talk to him again, didn't I?" Tyler nuzzled his head into my neck, pecking it gently.

"I know, Ty... But I though he'd be nice...not so...rude?"

Tyler pulled away, looking at me. "What did he do?"

Ok so, If I tell him... He'll go round to Harry's and beat him up. That or shout at him.

He deserves it for hitting on a married women.

"He hit on me..."

Tyler's eyes grew wider and he grunted with anger. "That little bastard."

Before I could say anything, Ty was storming out of the flat and to Harry's which was in the same building.

I ran after him and damn, he was fast.

P.S. I'm Married // Harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now