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I raced over to Harry's in a flash, forgetting Taylor and Grace shouting at me telling me not too. I furiously banged on Harry's door. "You little bastard, Open this fucking door." Just as I said that I was being dragged into his apartment and as soon as I was in he slammed the door shut. Returning to his kitchen.

"Yes, Mrs Dennis?" He smiled, washing the dishes in the sink.

"You made my Tyler come home drunk and high! You're going to change him for the worst! Harry you little-"

"He asked for a joint, I didn't peer pressure him into having one. Aubrey, do you think I am a bad person?" He interrupted me, resting against the kitchen counter with his eyebrows scrunched up.

I groaned in annoyance. Tyler wouldn't ask for a joint nor does he like getting drunk. He's not that sort of person. "Yes,yes I do think you're a bad person! You hit on a married women and you got my husband drunk and high!" I shouted, pulling at my own hair.

"You're just hormonal, it's really not a big deal, Aubs." He smiled, walking over to me and resting on the door frame. "It's not a big deal." He whispered once more before tucking some hair behind my ear.

"He's not that sort of guy. He's not a junkie nor does he drink or get drunk a lot. He hates getting wasted!" I walked away from him, over to the living room.

Harry chuckled, rubbing his eyes then putting his -massive- hands in his pockets. He was only wearing jogging bottoms, white ankle socks and a white T-shirt. His hair was pushed back in a messy style that really suited him.

"You clearly don't know the guy well enough." He reached into a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of white wine. "Would you like a glass?" He offered, pulling out two wine glasses.

"What do you mean I don't know him?! He's my husband.. Of course I know him, better than you anyway." Harry was annoying me so much, I was ready to karate chop his ass to Australia but my blood was almost drowned with red wine and I just couldn't be bothered to karate chop him. "And please, I really need wine."

"Look, I've known the guy since infant school. I know he likes getting high, I know he likes the feeling of being drunk, Aubrey... You really don't see the side to him I do." He confessed, pouring me a glass and handing it to me.

I greedily snatched the glass of him and drunk the wine with haste. "In 2 years of knowing him, he hasn't got high or that drunk. I think I know him well enough by now." I slammed the glass onto the coffee table and slouched onto the -very comfy- sofa.

Harry just stood and stared at me, emotionless. "Two years?" He asked, sitting down on the arm of the sofa.

I nodded, placing my head into my hands.

"I've known him twenty years - well since I was four. I think that beats two years, don't you?" He looked at my blank expression and chuckled. "My point exactly. You don't know the half of it, Aubrey."

By now, I've had enough of Harry. He was nothing but an arrogant, selfish man that likes to be right all the time.

I stood up, knocking the wine glass on the floor in the process. "You're a twat." I mumbled, making my way towards the door.

"And you're innocent, too innocent. You're vulnerable, Aubrey." This comment made me turn around, I had pure anger in my eyes and raging through me veins.

He was smirking as he made his way over to me. "Why be angry when you can just face facts? You don't know him, babe." He whispered as he placed his hands on my arms. "Babe, you really don't know what he's capable of." He didn't seem mocking anymore, he seemed soothing.

His hands were rubbing my arms in a calming manner but the anger had only subsided a little bit. "You don't know what you're talking about. You're drunk." I bitterly said through my teeth. He has to be drunk.

He chuckled slightly, his hands now on my shoulders and his breath fanning my forehead. "I had one beer, sweetie. Stop acting like I'm wrong when you know I'm right. You don't know him."

"Fuck off." I whispered, my eyes staring into his with fury radiating of me.

"No." He simply said before kissing my forehead and hugging me. "You know I'm right." He whispered into my hair just as the tears flooded out of my eyes..

P.S. I'm Married // Harry styles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now