Chapter 26: Broken love part 1

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-Roberts POV-

We're sitting in the car and I'm still a little 'excited' from what Alyssa did to me. That was mean but I got over it. I can't stay mad at my beautiful, amazing, and loving girlfriend that I adore, but just to mess with her I decide to act like I'm mad. After a few minutes of silence she speaks up.
"Baby.. Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry and it was a mean thing to do. Please, please, please forgive me?"
I stay quiet, not making eye contact with her.
"Robbieee.." She says while getting on top of me. I still won't budge from my 'mad' state. She starts to kiss me neck.
"Robert. John. Downey. Jr." She says I between kisses. Starting to lose my composure and she can tell. She takes it a step further and starts softly biting on my neck and sucking on it. 'I can't take this' I think. I grab her head and bring it so were at eye level.
"I love to Alyssa and I could never stay mad at you." I say before crashing our lips together. We are making out when the car comes to a complete stop. Alyssa quickly gets off of my lap and sits on the seat next to me as Ben opens the door.
"Okay don't even try and play it off. I could totally hear like every thing you did back here." Says Ben.
"Well my friend, I guess know you know how much I really love this girl now." I say and I can almost feel Alyssa blushing next to me. We get out of the limo and I look at Alyssa before I look at anything else. Her face brightens when she sees where we are.
"Oh my gosh Robert! El Matodor condos! This is the place I told you I always ways to go to! It's fucking expensive, were gunna be broke!" She says, making me smile at the fact that she said 'we're' going to be broke.
"Honey don't worry. We won't be broke because my dad is paying for all of this. I told him how much this trip would mean to you and he said that he wants nothing but you to be happy. He has the same feelings for you that your dad has for me. He told me that he would pay for it as long as I pay for the food and anything extra that needs to be payed upfront. Honestly, my dad and I planned this out so I have lots of surprises for you." I say.
"I love you Robert. This is why everyone loves you, your so selfless and amazing." I grab her hand as we walk through the entrance and I check us into our condo.
"Okay we're in condo 250. When we get there I need you to get dressed in some comfy cloths and meet me on the beach because I have something I want to tell you."
She nods and we walk to our room hand in hand. I really hope she doesn't freak out over what I have to tell her. We get to the room and she goes directly to the bedroom to get ready. If this dinner goes wrong the term 'us' may never be used again. I cannot let that happen but after I tell her what I have to tell her and she doesn't want an 'us' anymore then as they say, 'if you love her you'll let her go' and I lover her with all my heart.
Soooo what do you think the the news is? Please please please don't hate me after part two of this because whatever happens will be fixed. I promise.

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now