Chapter 41: Twat Waffle

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Just to clarify, this book isn't over. The A/N might give you the wrong idea so I needed to clarify

Today marks eight months of my pregnancy and I am definitely feeling the effects of it. The stretch marks and the large stomach, the swollen ankles and the aching feet. That doesn't really bother me. What does is all of the emotional stress, not to mention the stress of family and friends. Things with my mother and I are getting better but I still cant trust her to the extent I used to be able to and I'm not sure that I will ever be able to trust her in that way again. Johnny and I have become friends and I've been able to see for my self that he honestly has changed for the better and he's trying his hardest to be a single parent. Carson and Mckenzie have been hanging around me more but there mostly around when Robert isn't. I'm positive that that has something to with the fact that I have been put on bed rest and haven't been able to do anything or go anywhere but Robert is constantly going somewhere and doing something to either prepare for the babies or promote IM3. After our children arrive he will be taking a break on promoting to help me with the babies and when he does promote, I will be able to go with him. We did end up getting a call from Jimmy Kimmel, asking us to come onto his show for a follow up on how Robert and I have been and where we stand with each other sense the last time he was on the show. He also wants us on for the promotion of Iron Man 3. We agreed to come back for a few reasons. Iron Man promotion is much needed in the eyes of a producer.. aka me, Jimmy happens to be a good friend to Robert and I, and we also haven't officially made it known that we're engaged. Robert wants to but I made him promise that he wouldn't until I was prepared to deal with the paparazzi overload. I figured that since I wont be pregnant at that time it might be a little easer to deal with people when I'm not completely uncomfortable and moody.
The way I'm feeling changes on a day-to-day basis and to be honest, that's quiet tiring. The contractions are getting stronger but they're still bearable and everyday becomes even more uncomfortable. In some ways I hope Robert and the Doctor are right and they do come any day now but for their health I hope I go full term.

Robert seams to be able to sense when I'm at my worst and without me even asking, he's at my side doing everything and anything he can do to make me feel better. Sometimes It annoys me but I push that aside and think about what it would have been like if he was the type of guy that would flee at the thought of a child. He wants me and the children. He's not going to push me away like any other person I've ever been with.
I'm glad I decided to contact him. I'm glad he accepted me back. I'm glad I'm stuck with the childish, sensitive, strong, sassy, sexy, funny, loving man that I will always have my my side.

I'm up in the baby's room finishing a few things. Hanging the wooden name plaques on the walls, rearranging as much as possible with the growth of my stomach, being yelled at by Robert every time he sees me trying.

"Alyssa, you're going to hurt yourself! How many times do I have to tell you that?!" he says. I slowly get down from the step stool that I'm standing on.
"Over protective twat waffle!" I whisper jokingly.
"Excuse me what was that?" He chuckles while graving me by my waist.
"Oh nothing, I just said I love you!" I laugh trying to get out of his grasp.
"Mhm. Yeah right." he whispers, turning me around and kissing my head. He holds me tight in his arms and Indio walks into the room ignoring us, taking an enormous bite out of the apple he is holding. He fiddles around with the Bluetooth speakers and Roberts phone until Marry Me by Train comes on. He lowers the volume and walks out, taking another large bite from the apple. I just laugh and whisper to Robert, "Babe, I thought I already answered that question." He chuckles.
"Just listen... and dance. I want this song to be playing during our first dance at the reception." A smile cracks on my face. I know that the songs were one of the things he wanted to take care of. I didn't want to be like all of the other brides out there and steal the so called "thunder" saying that this is my day and only mine. The truth is it's our day and I want him to feel just as important to me as all of the crazy wedding planning and I want him to know that I love him more than I have ever loved anything in this world. He is mine.
"What do you think?" He says.
"I love it, and you."
"Good, and by the way, McKenzie is downstairs. She said you wanted to talk to her. Please be careful going down the stairs!" I just sigh and roll my eyes, waddling out of the room.
"Yes sir, twat waffle!"

I finally reach the end if the stairs and McKenzie smiles. Scott is sitting next to me looking uncomfortable.
"Scott, Robert,s upstairs in the nursery if you wanna hang out with him. Your wife is safe with me.
"Thank you! I really didn't want to sit hear and listen to the two of you talk anyway. Being married is torture enough. Oh and by the way.. it's twat muffin not waffle!" he smirks and then runs up the stairs.
"I might hurt you if I could run.." he just laughs. I sigh and look at Kenzie.
"Well?" she asks.
"Well, I wanted you to come here so we could talk. We've been friends for a long time now. Through think and thin, laughter and tears, we've been through it all. You're my best friend weather you like it or not. I really want you to join your uncle and me as we take the final step to finalizing and securing our love for one another. Strangely enough I will be your aunt but it would mean the world if you would hold the place of Maid of Honor?" A tear falls from her eyes.
"I promised myself that if you ever asked me this, I wouldn't cry but I just can't stop my self. Yes I would love to be your made of honor." Just then I hear a camera snap and see a flash. I look over and see Robert, Scott, and Indio, who has yet to finish his apple, all holding their phones taking pictures.
"And this is why I didn't want to sit and listed to this conversation." Scott whispers.


Hope you enjoyed! I'm still pondering the thought of a sequel. It just depends on the amount of ideas I can come up with.

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now