Chapter 39: Day-O-Fun

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Today is October fifth and I am seven months along already. Robert has insisted that we go and take a day to just have fun before the baby's come since they could come anytime from now until I'm full term. My doctor suspects that I will go into labor early but it will probably be closer to the eight or nine month mark. Robert on the other hand has a feeling they will come any day now (I'm hoping and praying the don't come just yet.) but I think I will go full term.
Robert decides that he wants to take me out on a date that could very possibly be our last one for a while. He knows from experience what it's like to have an infant child so I agree with the thought of not having much time for romance lingering in my mind. Today were going on the little adventure Robert likes to call the 'Day-O-Fun'. Robert won't tell me where he plans on taking me but I have a feeling that it will be a day of relaxation.
I'm still laying in bed and I roll over to find no one laying next to me. I slowly slide out of bed and waddle my way over to the stairs. I slowly walk down the stairs, clenching the railing for dear life since I can't see my toes anymore. I reach the bottom I the stairs and I hear the clatter of metal pans hitting the ground and the muffled sound of Robert cursing at the pans and it makes me laugh. I waddle into the kitchen and wrap my arms around him as much as my enlarged stomach will allow.
"What cha making baby?" I ask.
"Well I was making omelets, but.. Why don't we just go to Mc. Donald's?" I laugh and then I frown.
"I was thinking more along the lines of Starbucks."
"Fine with me." he says, "but I do have a surprise for you after were done. It will be the beginning of our day-o-fun." He smiles and grabs my hand dragging me out of the door. I sigh and un-clasp my hand from his, walking back to the kitchen. I turn off the stove and put back the refrigerated items while putting the dishes in the sink. I turn to Robert and say, "I wouldn't want to come back to a house burning in flames, would you?"
He blushes in embarrassment and we walk out the door hand in hand.

-After Starbucks-

We're back in the car, coffee in hand. Robert pulls up to a Spa and smiles at me. Before I can speak, McKenzie and Carson run up to the door. I look at them and then turn to Robert who has a smirk plastered on his face.
"Robert, you did this?" He nods.
"It's all apart of the plan, more or less..." I sigh.
"I think you've been watching a little to much Disney Channel with Caroline."
"I can watch Tv with my niece to the extent I would like thank you very much. Who do you think you are, my wife?" he laughs. I hit him in the arm and he cringes.
"No, but I'm going to be.." he smiles.
"I'm just kidding babe."
With that he unlocks the door signaling for me to get out, although his face is saying that he doesn't want me to leave his side. Before I get out I peck him on the lips and he leans down kissing my belly while whispering to the baby's his usual I-Love-yous.
Before I close the door McKenzie speaks.
"Bye Uncle Robbie, thanks for offering to give her away for an hour or two. We'll take good care if her."
"You better, I will hurt you if you hurt my children or my soon to be wife." With that the door is closed and were all laughing.
We walk into the Spa and they sit us down in three pedicure chairs side by side. Carson looks over at me with a smile.
"So how have you been Ally?" she always used to call me that.
"Well for the past eight or nine months, my life has been pure bliss thanks to Robert. Before that was pure shit though."
"Yeah, Kenzie told me about that. I'm so sorry that happened and with the way it happened, you probably think it was your fault but it's not." I start to feel emotional.
"But that's the problem, it is my fault. If I just would have listened and given him a chance it wouldn't have happened." I say, wiping a stray tear.
"Sorry, it's just hormones making me really emotional." We all laugh.
"So, how are you and Scott doing?" I ask Kenzie. She takes a deep breath as if the question is intimidating.
"We're fine." She says. Just as I'm about to comment on that, Aubrey and Tobias start to kick. I grab Carson and McKenzie's hands and place them in my stomach. Carson is in complete aw but Kenzie just seems sad.
"Kenz, what wrong?" I ask.
"I- I just wish I could have that..."
"What do you mean." she takes another deep breath, this time preparing to speak.
"Well, Scott and I can't have kids." With that a wave of feelings rush over me and I get quiet. I've made this whole thing awkward just because I'm pregnant. I can't do any thing about it, not that I want to but I feel like me being pregnant and her not being able to just infuriates her. I wouldn't want to cause her to develop hatred and envy for me because of my children.
For a while I just stay quiet but the silence makes me feel worse.
"I'm sorry." I say, allowing a few tears to escape.
"What do you mean?" they say in unison.
"I'm sorry to offend you, this wasn't even planned! I'm- I-I'm just sorry."
"What do you mean offending me? if you're talking about being pregnant than you just need to shut the fuck up right now because I'm not offended at all. I'm really happy to have new cousins. It is a little weird that my best friend that is the same age as me is becoming my aunt, but in no way shape of for did you offend me." That makes me feel so much better. She leans over and rubs my stomach.
"You little boogers are taking a toal on your mommy. I till love you though. One thing I can say is that you will have the greatest parents in the world, and the best cousin. Just to be clear that's me not my sister Caroline..."
"Hey guys, it's mommy. Don't listen to your cousin, she's crazy." I say to the babies.
"Y'all look like some goons, sitting here talking to her stomach like that." says Carson.
"Whatever. So have you found anyone special Cars?"
"No, I'm still a single fucking Pringle!"
"You'll find that special someone someday, just like we did." Says McKenzie, while pointing at me.

-Two Hours Later-

I'm back at the house now and Robert and I are in the living room watching tv. I had to leave the girls earlier than I planned because I was getting sharp, yet bearable pains in the pit if my stomach. I called the doctor and he said that they are a type of contraction but it's nothing to worry about. They're called Braxton Hicks contractions and they begin occurring about six weeks into your pregnancy. Of course you don't feel them then but it's possible to feel them some time after the mid-pregnancy mark, if you even feel them at all. For a contraction, they're amazingly bearable to be honest.
Sadly, this does look like this will be the conclusion to my amazing Day-O-Fun because I am extremely tired. Looks like it's time to hit the hay. Tomorrow is a day full of wedding planning. Yay me! ... just kidding.

If you can't tell, the well of ideas is going dry. Any help with that? what would you like to see happen before the story ends?

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now