Chapter 22: The Pizza Man?

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-Roberts POV-

I wake up for the fifth time tonight and stare at the clock. Its 5:30 in the morning

'I cant do this anymore.' I think to my self. I grab my phone off of the bed side table and text Alyssa.

'Hey Lyssa. You awake? I cant sleep without you. Its the fifth time I've woken up tonight thinking of you.'

While I Wait for her to text back I decide to go downstairs and watch TV. I flip throught the channels and settle on Duck Dynasty. I get about five minutes into the show when Alyssa text back.

'Yeah, Im awake. I dont do very well without you by my side'

'Same here. Call me?'

A few minutes later my phone starts to buzz and I answer it.


"Hey babe, why did you want me to call you?"

"Because I really hate texting and I wanted to hear your beautiful voice."

"Haha, okay old man."

"That word! I thought I forbid that word! Shall another lesson begin?" I say in a british accent. "But seriously can we stop with the old man this please?"

"Totally baby. Im sorry, I didn't think it would aggravate you."

"Its okay, Im sorry it got on my nerves. Its just that I don't want the face that I'm older to affect our relationship. I know for know that you are just joking but i don't want you to say it and then start thinking about how much of an age difference it really is and regret this relationship."

"No Robert! Don't ever say that! It was my choice to come into this relationship and it has been the best four, almost five months of my life." Just hearing her say that comforts me.

"I love you Alyssa. I know i say that a lot but I feel like I need to continue to tell you this so I can make sure you know it. You're mine and I am yours."

-Alyssa's POV-

I love it when he says that because I know in my mind that he truly does love me but him saying it means so much to me. It just shows me than he cares enough to say it. I have honestly never loved anyone more than him.

"Baby I love you more than you could even imagine." I say.

"Well duh. I mean its me. Who doesn't love me?"

"Asshole, I thought we were having a moment."

" We were, but now were not."

"Obviously!" I say and Robert starts to chuckle. We sit in silence just listening to each others breath over the phone just like we would if we were sitting there together. The silence is interrupted by the sound of his doorbell wringing.

"What the fuck?! Who in their right minds would be at my door at this time of night?!"

"Uh, the pizza man?" i say jokingly.

"Always thinking about food." He says laughing. I hear him opening the door and his laughing fades. All I can hear are his shaky breaths.

"Alyssa, I need you to get over here. Now!" He whispers.

Without putting any thought into it I throw on a sweatshirt and my boots. I grab my hair tie and my keys and I run to my car. I start the car and a tear falls from my eye. I don't know why it falls, I don't even know why Im crying. I guess its just because I'm worried. He sounded so urgent and i just hope he's okay.


A/N: soooooooooo? Hows everyone. sorry it took me so long to update but hey better late than never right?

who do you think is at the door?

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QOTD: How/ when/ why did you fall for Robert?

Mr. Right (a Robert Downey Jr. teacher student fan fic)*UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now