The Love House: Chapter 10

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Ellie's POV

Well my little kangaroos, (Don't tell me you forgot your nickname.) guess who's home?! My mom!

Not a good thing if you want to get technical. We were never really that close.

She knocked on my door this morning.

I remember exactly.

"Hey Ellie darling. I have to fly out to Chicago. I'm going to be gone for maybe a month. I'm so sorry Dear. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

That's what she says every time. I've learned not to really trust what she says.

"Alright Mom." I sigh.

"Hey! Cheer up! I'm hoping you've made some friends at your new school..?"

"I have. Why?" She never really asked me if I've made friends before.

"I bought you a zoo ticket!" She says excitedly.

I give her a weird look.

"AND five extra tickets! Maybe if you wanted to bring friends?"

"Oh thanks Mom." I say, actually thankful that she thought about my day. I was looking forward to the zoo with Soaps, Josh, and Josey.

She hugs me then picks up her suitcase that sits by the door.

"Bye baby. I'll call when I land," she waves.

I wave my goodbye also.

Now I'm sitting at my kitchen table with my three friends.

"So I told y'all to come here because I have five extra tickets to the zoo, and why not bring my three bestest friends?"

"Awww! yay!! I remember when I was in kindergarten and I went to the zoo on a feildtrip the giraffe peed on my foot. Then there was this other to-"

"Soaps." I laugh out. "I get it." That girl seriously loves talking. I feel like she lets out more words than carbon dioxide sometimes.

"Sounds fun." Josh says with a sincere smile.

"I'm sure there's hot girls, so I'm in," Josey smirks.

"Alright then." I smile grabbing my keys.

"Wait." I turn looking to Sophie.

"What are you going to do with the other two tickets?" she asks, with a hopeful smile and I immediately know what she is getting at.

"Absolutely not." I protest.

"Come on! This is my moment to get Derek's attention!"

"Sophie." I scold.

"Pleeeeeease Ellie?! I will love you forever and ever and ever."

I look at her and see her pleading eyes. I know she really likes Derek.

"Fine." I groan as she squeals with excitement.

I tell them to get in the car and I walk over to Derek's door.

I knock twice then he opens the door.

"Hey." Damen smirks. I didn't expect HIM to answer the door.

"Uh. Is Derek here?" I ask awkwardly.

"No I'm just at his house alone and all." he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

I side step him and walk into Derek's house.

"Well come on in." he sneers closing the door.

"Derek?!!" I yell.

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