The Power

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A/N Ok, something I want to make clear, in this universe the do not laughs are canon meaning that the guys have the ability to shape shift and that Zane wrote the midnight series

No one pov
Zane sighed as he said, "Please don't freak out." Garroth looked at him confused before he let go when a black sand like substance covered Zane. The sand shifted until it was an ant, the ant walked over to the guys and then shifted back to Zane.
The aphmau gang looked like they all were sick with pale faces and wide eyes. "Why an ant?" Sky asked Zane, not freaked out at all. "Well, anything else was scary or to big, so I picked an ant." Zane said. "Wait, what just happened?! I know there are potions that can change your form, but not like that!" Lucinda said in a freaked out voice. "We all the power to shape shift into stuff we kill, like an ant. We can also shape shift into each other." Jin said, taking on the smart teacher role. "Do others know?" Laurance asked, taking the lead. "No, we don't use in our daily lives, it would take too much time." "Plus our lives are already crazy enough." Sky and Zane said not missing a beat.
"Okay, so one question, how the heck do you all afford this place! There is a trampoline floor in front of the floor and the only one I think who would have a good paying job would be Jin!" Katelyn said, trying to switch the subject. "Jobs? You think we haves jobs?" Barney asked in a very confused tone. "I mean, yeah, how else could you buy a house and food?" Katelyn once again asked. "Well, this was my house before they moved in after middle school. I bought with my Great Pappy Sky's budder!" Sky said in a duh tone. "Huh, what's budder?" Aphmau asked. "This is budder!!!!" Sky said as he took out a block of budder. "But that's gold!" Laurance says in a what the heck voice. "Gold? No, this is budder." "He's right." Zane says backing Sky up like a good wife- I mean friend should. "Just go with it." Jin says to the aphmau gang.
"Where's Thundermuffin?" Ross asks quickly changing the subject before Sky goes on a rant about budder again. "Oh, Aphmau offended him and he walked off." Zane answers. "How was I supposed to know that he was smart! I'm surprised that the chicken shaman does not own him!" Aphmau interrupts, trying to explain her position. "I hate that guy! He's always trying to take Thundermuffin from me!" Ross says in an angry voice. "Ross calm down. Sky, you, and I will look for him, okay?" Zane says trying to calm him down. "Ok...let's go" and with that Sky, Zane, and Ross left to find Thundermuffin. "Um...ok that was weird." Katelyn says. "That's just how Zanes and Skys gets alongs." Barney says in his accent that I don't know how to type. "They seem so close." Garroth says, finally snapping out of his shock. "Well, yeah. They usually always around each other, even if it wasn't like that in the start." Jin says snapping to attention. "Yeah, it took Sky days to get Zane to talks to him like friend, and longer for us. Even the Sky teachers liked him." Barney says, his voice accusing when he mentions the teachers. "Sky teachers?" Aphmau asked clearly confused. "Barney said that like every other teacher we had was sky in different outfits, but we didn't believe him and before you ask, I say every other teacher because we had a different teacher each day. Few came back days later, but we mostly had a teacher only once." Jin explains to the group. Before Barney or the gang can respond, they hear Zane scream.

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