Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Ash's POV


"Ahhh! Pikachu c'mon you know I hate that!"

"Pika pi.." the mouse Pokemon sweatdropped.

"Alright, well it's time for school.. Ugh." I said.

I got dressed and ran downstairs to see my mom waiting for me with my breakfast.

"Good morning hun, ready for school?" Mom asked.

"Yes and no.. I'm ready to go but I HATE SCHOOL!" I groaned.

"Alright hun. Eat up!"


I woofed up my breakfast and walked to school with my head down. I have a feeling something good is coming in store for me. I doubt it, because I'm just a loser that no one likes. Oh well, I should just face it that nothing's gonna happen. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw some students coming.

"Hey, loser. Why don't you just get outta here. Your presence itself annoys me." Calem said.

"Come on, hun don't be rude. He did nothing to you." Serena said.

"Why are you suddenly defending him?" Calem questioned.

Calem's remark meant nothing to me, but what did mean something was that Serena was actually defending me for once. She usually
joins Calem or doesn't say anything at all.

"I just want you to be nice to everyone, I don't want a boyfriend that people don't like."

At that, I broke down. I ran onto the bus that drove up at the best time possible and cried all the way in the back. I know I'm never gonna date Serena. She literally just said she doesn't want a boyfriend people don't like. No one likes me, except my mom. I hate my life so much.

Not for long, you won't.

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