Chapter 9 - Christmas Special

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Ash's POV

It was Christmas Eve. Serena and I️ were walking down the now snowy trail to our neighborhood from school. We had just gotten all of our friends gifts and then went out separate ways to get each other gifts to make it a surprise. Then we met up back at the mall entrance. Over these past three weeks of December almost all of my old friends apologized to me. At first I️ thought it was because of Serena but they told me how great of a guy I️ am to have stood up for her and that they forgot how great of a person I️ was. Except for Miette. now she is dating that b*tch Calem.
"Look Ash, I️ can see my breath. I️ love it when that happens!" she said.

"I️ know, me too, it's pretty how your breath can freeze so fast in this weather."

We continued having conversations until we got back to our houses then we said goodbye. Tomorrow, we are supposed to have a Christmas party at Serena's house. I was so excited because this is gonna be so fun with all my friends. By the way, Dawn and May ship people left and right, and the top of their list happens to be me and Serena, which is NOT something I️ wanted. It makes the fact that I️ like her even more obvious than it already is. Somehow I️ gave her my old denseness because she miraculously hasn't found out yet.

When I️ got into my house, I️ greeted my mom and helped her decorate a few more things and baked the ginger bread house we bake every year. I️ decided since the party is in the afternoon I️ would spend the morning with my mom to make her Christmas special too. I️ even got her a gift that I know she would fall in love with. After cleaning up from baking the ginger bread house with her I️ ate dinner and played some Xbox then went to bed.

The Next Morning

Serena's POV

When I️ woke up I️ ran downstairs and spent the morning with my mother. It was 10 AM right now and everyone is coming over at 1:30 PM so I️ have loads of time to get ready and spend some quality time with my mom. I️ figured I️ would start getting ready at 12 so I️ have just enough time to put finishing touches to the party decorations and get my outfit on. My mom got me a really cool waffle machine that can bake waffles into any shape you want. She knows I️ love baking so much. I️ also got a bunch of cute new clothing. I️ got her a lot of small things and one big thing. The small things were things that she needed like lipstick and more makeup since she was running out. But she really wanted a new saddle for our Rhyhorn because the strings that attached the saddle to him were ripping, so I️ got her a new saddle. After spending more time with my mom, I️ got ready for the party and finished putting out all the cookies and food.

Ash's POV

I️ just arrived at Serena's house along with Gary and Drew. Gary was really excited to see how his girlfriend, Misty was going to look. The story on how they got together is for another time. Drew likes May, but is planning to ask her out tonight. We knocked on the door and Dawn answered.
"Hey guys! Great timing! Serena is putting out lunch now.  Just as she said that, Serena came to the doorway. And the way she looked made my eyes bulge out of my sockets. She wore a santa hat with a red crop top that showed her lean stomach and white furry outlines. She also had black stockings on with short shorts that were the same as her shirt. In other words: absolutely stunning. My cheeks immediately heated up and my jaw dropped. Gary and Drew were snickering and Dawn was glaring at me with her hands on her hips. Serena welcomed us in but I️ stood there staring at her. Then she got confused and started snapping her fingers in my face, until she realized what I️ was staring at.
"Hey- don't look at me like that! Stupid baka!" she blushed and punched me in the arm lightly. That snapped me out of my trance. I️ walked in and the decorations were awesome. We hung out for a while and watched a Christmas movie.  A/N: No cliche truth or dare don't worry ;)
Then, it was time for gifts. I️ was so excited to give her my gifts. But to make i️t special, I️ told her to save it for last after everyone leaves. Gary got me Call of Duty: World War II. and I️ got him the same thing in return since we both really wanted it. Drew got me a new game called Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. I️ read what it was about and it looked really awesome. Paul got me the new Xbox One X since his family is really rich. He even got Dawn a $7500 diamond ring. After everyone left, Serena and I️ went to the living room to open gifts. Her mom went out for a while to say hi to Serena's grandparents so it was just us. First, she gave me her gift. It was a circular shaped gift in the wrapping paper. But, there was writing on it.

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