1- I'll take it

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Archie's POV:

Saturday 11:56pm

"I spotted Veronica on Friday" Chuck starts as I smoke my cigarette. "Both her and Cheryl are so hot" Moose adds causing me to disagree "Nah" I shake my head. "Oh come on Arch, you're so picky you find no one attractive" Reg argues sounding annoyed. "Yeah you should be less picky considering how ugly you're" Chuck jokes. They all laugh and I roll my eyes. "Is there not a single girl you find hot? Not one?" Chuck asks curiously. "There is one. Blue eyes, brown curly hair. Don't know what she's called but she's hot" I respond. "I've seen her, yeah she's pretty" Moose agrees.

Im casually sitting in a bath with my three drunk friends Moose, Reg and Chuck at Cheryl's house party. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of drunk people downstairs making out and doing usual things people do at parties.

"Is she the one that hangs out with Josie?" Reg questions. "Yes, That one" I answer nodding. "I don't think you have a chance" Chuck laughs. I raise my eyebrows at his untrue comment "I do have a chance" I reply confidently. "Last guy she was with was a 20 year old model. He was tall and dark. You're neither." Reg comments. "Why should I care?" I reply slightly getting annoyed. "Because then you know what her standards are" Reg responds. "Just because a girl dates a 20 year old model once, doesn't mean she will do it again. I have a chance" I repeat smoking my cigarette again. "WOo" Moose interrupts reacting to the vodka he just took. Reg and Chuck laugh at his reaction.

"Take it I have no where to keep it" Chuck suddenly says changing the subject as he takes out a bag full of weed giving it to Reg. "I don't want it, I'm not gonna get in trouble for your shit. Take it yourself" Reg replies handing it back to Chuck. "I can't have it with me" Chuck responds throwing it back. "Jesus Christ, I will take it" I raise my voice as I grab the bag. "Fine. Look after it"'Chuck demands. "What would you do without me" I rhetorically ask as I put the bag into my jacket pocket.

We all turn our heads as we suddenly hear the bathroom door barge open. "What are you doing? Shut the door!" Chuck raises his voice as Josie walks in. "I need to pee" Josie responds shutting the door. "Hello! Don't just leave me with that nerd" I raise my eyebrows in shock as the girl I was talking about earlier walks in. I start to bite my lip.

"Sorry I needed to pee" Josie apologizes. "Is that the girl?" Moose asks whispering to me. I nod. "It's so boring here" Josie complains as the hot girl looks through lots of draws in a rush. "Hello" Moose greets. The girls completely ignore his comment and we laugh at him. "You know those pills we took at Veronica's house? I need to take some" the dark girl says as she picks up some pills. "That's not them, the other pills weren't blue" Josie says examining the pills. "I think they're the same" the girl responds.

"You know, you have really beautiful eyes" I suddenly say, surprising myself at my random comment. Reg, Moose and Chuck laugh at how cheesy my comment sounds. The girl awkwardly looks up with no emotion.

"Huh? Why is that funny?" She questions as Josie stands by her side looking at us confusingly. "It's not. You do have hot eyes they were just laughing at how cringy my comment was" I say quietly laughing. She slightly smiles. "My names Archie. What's yours?" I question. "Valerie" she answers. "Valerie? You're really beautiful " I compliment looking directly into her eyes. Josie looks as her uncomfortably.

"We're leaving" Josie says about to walk out. "Uh, do you know how these work?" Valerie asks me as she holds up the pills. "Let me see" I answer getting up and checking the pills. This is my chance. "Maybe" I reply taking one and putting it on my tongue. She looks surprised turning to look at Josie then turning back. She looks at my lips asking me for permission and I nod. Aggressively, she stars to kiss me. It's not really unusual how easily I can pull girls. I never really feel anything anyway. I make out with a new girl every week. It's not anything new to me.

Josie turns and walks out the door. "I'm leaving" Chuck butts in getting out the bath. "Yeah I'm going to see if there's any food around here" Reg says also getting out the bath. "Nice one man" Moose says to me shutting the door as he follows the rest of them.

Valerie starts kissing down my neck and I begin to feel uncomfortable. "Heyyy" I say fake smiling as I slowly pull away. "Hey what?" She laughs as she kisses me again. She goes back to kissing my neck and kisses down my body slowly. I quickly pull away again and she looks at me confusingly. I don't know why this always happens. Whenever I make out with girls I just don't feel turned on. I feel so uncomfortable and awkward to the point I have to stop them.

The door barges open again "Valerie, your sisters here" Josie interrupts. Valerie stares at me still looking confused and walks out.

I really hate when this happens. I make out with a girl and when I push them away they think they're the problem. But it's me that's the problem not them. I can't help feeling uncomfortable. I lean my head against the wall and sigh deeply. I generally do find Valerie attractive why can't I just get tuned on? I take myself away from my deep thoughts as I walk downstairs and join everyone else.

"Archie!" I hear my name over the loud music. It was Cheryl. "Have you seen Veronica?" She shouts over the music. "No" I bluntly reply. "Ugh!" She groans as she walks away.

I look around the room and see a policeman walking through the crowd. Shit, I need to get out of here. I start walking down the hallway but stop as I remember I still have the weed in my pocket. I need to get rid of it in case the police search me. I walk through the crowd and find a table with a small pot on it. Slowly but sneakily, I take the weed out of my pocket and put it in the pot as casually as possible and walk away.

As I get outside there are multiple policemen and women. I quickly walk the opposite way through lots of bushes and climb over the fence so I don't leave the main entrance way. As I jump over the fence I walk down the path as if I wasn't part of the party.

"Hi" a policewomen says as she pulls my arm. "Where are you going?" She questions. "Home" I reply trying to act as casual as possible. "Home? You jumped over the fence and didn't go through the main entrance" I have nothing to say because what possible excuse could I give for jumping over someone's fence? "Do you have your ID with you? With your name ect." She asks. I can't show her my ID because I'm only 17 so I'm not legal to drink. Fuck what do I do? "No" I lie. "Nothing? What's you name?" She keeps asking questions. "James Collin" I lie. "James. How old are yo- wait a minute" she says as she faces away to talk to someone. I turn my head and see Reg on a bicycle looking at me. I casually stand there for a bit but quickly run for it and jump on the back of Regs bike before she can get me. Reg cycles as fast as he can and we don't see her following. Thank fuck for that.

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