2- Who's that?

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Sunday 10:35am

I groan as I wake up with a major headache. Last nights events briefly run back to my head. I sigh as I can already tell today is going to be shit because of my hangover. I then remember the weed and how I left it at Cheryl's. Shit I need to tell Chuck about it. I grab my jacket from the floor and grab my iPhone 6 out the pocket. I open it seeing 3 new messages and one new Facebook notification. One message from my mum and two from Chuck.

'Good morning' the message from my mum reads. I don't reply and quickly go on Chucks message 'Do you still have the bag?' Call me as soon as you wake up. Police found some stuff at Cheryl's place and she's really pissed off' the message from Chuck reads. I quickly type in his number and call him waiting to hear his voice but he doesn't answer. Typical Chuck.

'Pick up then. I'm sorry I had to hide the bag at Cheryl's. But don't worry the police won't find it, I hid it really well. I will fix it. Call me.' I reply to Chucks message. Suddenly, my door barges open "finally he's awake!" My roommate Kevin says as he walks in with his sister Jodie who also lives here. I roll my eyes, I'm tired and moody and can't be bothered to talk to anyone.

"Sleep well?" Kevin asks. "Mhm" I bluntly respond. "Come on get up" Kevin says pulling my arm. "Piss off Kevin Ive just woken up" I say slightly raising my voice. "What are you planning to do today?" Kevin asks. "Relaxing. Come on Kev leave him to it he's just woken up" Jodie interrupts. Thank god she understands. "Get up quickly because I'm making breakfast" Kevin demands I glare at him and roll my eyes as he leaves the room with Jodie.

The day goes on as I thought its boring and tiring with me taking lots of
Painkillers for my headache and laying in bed. Schools tomorrow and I haven't even done any work. I don't even want to think about it. It just makes me stressed.

Monday 12:07pm

It's currently lunch and I'm sitting on a table in the cafeteria with Moose, Reg and Chuck. "I immediately hooked up with a random girl as soon as we left the bathroom" Reg says slightly smirking. "Is that where you went? Me and Moose were looking everywhere for you" Chuck replies. "It was like making out with a cat" Reg says. "You've made out with a cat before?" Moose questions. I laugh as I look around the cafeteria but my eyes stop on him. Who is that? "Obviously not but I don't know it was really weird" I stop taking interest in their conversation as I look at him.

He was about 6 foot, with dark hair wearing a grey beanie. "How was it weird?" Moose questions. Without realizing my mouth was slightly open and I bite my lip as I gaze at him. "I don't know but she couldn't kiss for shit. I don't think she's tongue kissed before" Reg continues. The boy was sitting on a chair with his legs on the table talking to some girl. His eyes are blue and he's extremely attractiv- wait what the fuck? Attractive? Why am I thinking like this? Before I can think any further I'm dragged out my thoughts as he looks up, his eyes meeting mine and he slightly smirks. Shit I must of looked way too long. I quickly drop my eyes and put my head down, picking apart the bread from my cheese sandwich.

"You know that chick I hooked up with at Veronica's party ages ago?" Chuck asks. "Yeah" Moose and Reg both respond. "She couldn't kiss either. She just kept licking my lips it was really weird" Chuck awkwardly laughs. I get out my phone and check my messages. I see 1 message from my dad. Ugh can he just leave me alone. 'Hi Archie. Do you want to have dinner with me on Wednesday? Hugs dad' I roll my eyes. 'Are you joking? By the way I need money to pay my rent' I reply. The apartment I share with Kevin and Jodie is technically their apartment so I have to put money towards it.

"Hey" we all look up as Josie and Veronica approach our table. "Do you guys perhaps want to join the theater this year?" Josie questions. We all avoid eye contact because none of us want to and have no idea what she's on about let alone care. "Don't really know" Reg replies. "We're the leaders of the atmosphere group. We want you guys to join" Josie says smiling. "What the fuck does an atmosphere group do?" Chuck asks. "We make sure there's a good atmosphere/vibe. We spread love, bake bread, cook. We have a group meeting next Friday maybe you guys want to come?" They question. "Friday? No...I don't really know it's Friday, you know." Moose responds. "You guys should come and make yourselves known socially to avoid being anonymous. Do you guys want that? To walk around being a nobody?" Josie continues. "Cheryl" I call changing the subject as I see her. She approaches our table. "Did you see my messages? I left my jacket at your place" I say. I didn't really I just need an excuse to go into her house and get the weed. "Yeah I saw. I will look for it" Cheryl responds. "No, but I have to come get it because I know what it looks like" they all look at me confusingly. I can't just tell her I left weed at her house.

"Can't you just describe it?" Cheryl questions. "Uh... yes I can. It's black" I say. "Um okay... a black jacket. I will look for it" Cheryl says as she leaves. Ugh shit how am I meant to get the weed now? "Let us know if you want to join" Josie smiles as she walks away. "Yeah we'll do that" Chuck sarcastically responds. Veronica smiles. It looks like a really forced and suspicious smile as she walks away with Josie.

"A jacket? Really?" Chuck questions. "I will fix it" I reply. "How the fuck are you meant to get the bag now? I'm going to get into so much trouble if you don't find that bag" Chuck continues. "Chuck, I said I will fix it" I repeat myself.


It's the start of English and I'm so tired and bored. Our teacher is so shit. She always wears this white top with no bra and her boobs are always so noticeable. For some reason I find myself just staring at her. Just trying to get turned on. But once again I feel nothing.

"Hi" a voice distracts me. It was Veronica. "Hi" I reply a bit confused as to why she's suddenly sitting next to me. "I have your drugs" she says. What? How does she know about it? "What?" I question trying to act like I don't know what she's talking about. "The stuff you left at Cheryl's place. I have it" she replies rolling her eyes. "You have it?" I question. "If there's one thing I don't like it's when someone fucks over their friends" she says in a serious tone glaring at me. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Cheryl could of been in a lot of trouble if the police found the bag" she responds. "Could have but they didn't" I defend. "They didn't because I took it" she argues. She must of saw me when I put it in the pot. "Okay, I'm sorry for leaving it there. Thanks for taking it but it's not even mine" I say defending myself. "I should get something in return for rescuing it from the police" she says raising her eyebrows. "Can't you just give it to me?" I say getting slightly irritated. "I get 10% of your drugs and your friends have to join the atmosphere group" she has to be joking ugh for fuck sakes. "Okay. We will join the atmosphere group" I sigh. "But then you will give it to me?" I question. "Yes" she nods. "So give it to me now?" I ask. "Do you think I'm dumb? I will give it too when I see you at the atmosphere group." She says rolling her eyes and smiling. Ugh this is going to be a long week.

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