how am i gonna get myself back home

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"How do you lose an entire baby?!" Ghoul asks, laughing.

"I don't know." Party replies, looking under the couch, "I am a horrible dad."

"No you're not."

There's a loud giggle from the next room over and Party rushes in, to see Umbrella holding Defying.

"If you leave babies on the floor unattended they could get lost." She says, smirking at Party.

"What-Me, lose a baby-never."

"Mhm. Bandit's still asleep. Go lay, D down? Or at least try to get him to sleep?"

"Will do."

Party gives her a quick kiss before walking to their room, a content smile on his lips. Umbrella's face falls and She leans her head on the cabinet.

"Are you okay?"

She had completely forgotten Ghoul was still in the room.

"Yea. Fine. Why?"

"You just looked really sad all the sudden." he shrugs, offering a smile, which she gladly returns.


It's been three weeks. She's tiring. Of the burden this has put on her. Her children will never know her. Not really. Not how she wants them to.

She's set out her place.

The night before the twins 1st birthday, she'll say her good-byes, make empty promises about coming back, and drive off. Out into the desert. Out into the Zones. Passing memories, and going to the place where it all began.

Dr. Death-Defying's radio station.

And she'll lay there. Maybe feel regret for not telling Party. Then she'll close her eyes, and it's done. It's over.

Maybe they'll mourn. Maybe they'll wonder. Maybe they'll move on quickly.

"Dracs." Party mumbles, from the other side of the matress, "They-They..."

His eyes snap open and he grabs Umbrella's shoulders.

"The kids."

"Party, they're in the-"

He trips from the bed and leans over the crib. He picks Bandit and Defying up, and lays them down on the bed.

"Party." Umbrella lays a hand on his arm as he looks up at her, "What's going on? This is the third time you've woken up tonight, and one of countless times you've checked on the kids this week. What gives?"

Bandit grabs his finger in her sleep as he shifts in the bed to look at Umbrella.

"I keep having this dream-this nightmare- that BL/Inds comes back. A-And instead of saving you like last time, t-they make me shoot one of the t-twins."


"A-And I always c-ch-choose, D-Defying. The one time I t-tried to shoot myself t-to save you, I-I-"

Party's shoulders heave as he tries to cry quietly. Obviously the nightmares were much more horrid out loud. Umbrella climbs from the bed, and pulls Party with her. They close the door and stand out in the hall. Umbrella wraps her arms around Party. He mimics her actions a buries his face in her shoulder.

"I shoot you, Umbrella. Every time."

A little shorter. This book is going to break me.

no patience for glory // danger days: book 3Where stories live. Discover now