chapter 4

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Chapter4: Secrets Reveal...

"Hagrid??" said Remy (Lill's father), A questioning look on his face. A sleepy Lyal who was woken up by the sound came in rubbing his eyes, not noticing the half giant's presence. "Who's Hagrid and who is this guy??" asked a shocked lilliana in shock. "wha- whoa!!! What are you?" Lyal asked in surprise, not in a bad way, he was happy with the surprise.

"Le'me start this over, hmm??" asked the half giant supposedly named Hagrid. No one spoke a word and so he continued. "I am Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. And to answer yer question..." he moved his eyes towards Lyal who was standing frozen with wide eyes, "I'm a half giant." Lilliana was out of shock and stable now. "Hogwarts??" She asked. "yea, Hogwarts, didn't you get your letter? Yer parents must have told you about it. Where they learned all of this.."

"oh ya!! That letter! But I thought it was a prank and what is 'this'?" asked a very puzzled Lilliana. "magic of course! Didn't you tell her?" he moved his eyes towards Rose and Remy. "of course not! we wanted to keep her away from all this! With you-know-who just around the corner, I wouldn't risk the life of my family!!" a very angry Rose spoke up. "but I want to go! It will be so much fun! Learning magic and stuff! And who is this 'you know who' guy??" Lilliana objected. "you know who or he who must not be named is a murderer. He has no mercy. He would kill anyone who came in his way" explained Hagrid with a serious expression. "Lill, we are telling you to stay only for your safety honey..." said Rose. "but professor Dumbledore will be there, she will be safe." Said Remy with a warm smile. "go get your trunk ready. Ly..." he was going to call Lyal when he saw that Lyal was asleep. That's why it was so quiet...thought Remy. He walked up to Lyal woke him up and told him what happened. Lyal waited for his sister to come down to say his goodbye. "yer gonna join Hogwarts once yer turn 11." Said Hagrid with a smile on his face. Lyal smiled back. Lilliana hurried back. She was really excited. "oh! and Hagrid will you take her to get a wand and stuff to diagon ally?? I'll get the key of my vault." Hagrid nodded. Rose got up and got her wand and a tiny key from her room. "wait, you had a wand all this time and you didn't tell me?!?!?" Lilliana spoke. "yes, and you already know the reason, he who must not be named.....ok now go on and write to us every week okay??" she said ushering them out. They said their final goodbyes. That's when Hagrid realized that he and Dumbledore had apparated here and Dumbledore had gone somewhere else. Since he didn't know how to apparate, "do you mind if we use the fire place?" he asked Rose. "of course!" she said and started walking. They reached to the living room's fireplace. It was normal according to Lilliana. Remy quickly got a bowl kind of thing which had a powder in it. Hagrid took some powder, stood in the fireplace "what are yer waiting fer! C'mon!"

Lill was a little shocked but who wouldn't be? She gulped and walked towards the fireplace. She stood holding Hagrid's hand and he yelled, "the burrow!" he immediately left the powder in his hands and they vanished between the green flames.

"The Burrow?? Isn't that what they call a rabbit's house??"

"well of course not! It is the weasley's house! Why were you raised as a Muggle?" Hagrid said, muttering the last sentence to him.

"Muggle?" Lilliana asked with her eyebrows knitted together. "non-magic" Hagrid said walking into a beautiful house from the fireplace.

"Hagrid? When did you come here??" a tall boy with red hair who looked around a year or two older than Lilliana.

"oh, just wanted to ask Molly if little Lilliana here could be taken to diagon ally with yer family." Hagrid answered. The boy moved his gaze towards Lilliana and smiled. He ran off upstairs and came down with a plump, short, woman with the same red hair as the boys. "Hello Molly." Said Hagrid. Molly smiled at him and moved her gaze to Lilliana. "well, hello dear!! I am Molly weasly and you are...?"

"oh! I am Lilliana Roberts. Nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley!" said Lilliana with a big smile on her face.

"please sit!!" Molly gestured Lilliana and Hagrid to sit on the couch nearby. "no, I must be off. Do you mind Lilliana staying here? I'll get her stuff from diagon ally and give it to her at school." Said Hagrid. "no problem!" said Molly with her signature warm smile. "okay, Lill you will go to kings cross station with them tomorrow and I will meet you at school." Hagrid told Lilliana and left.

"Bill, Charlie, Percy!!" Molly shouted. Three voices came from upstairs saying "yes mum?" Lilliana could hear footsteps coming down. She saw 3 boys with red hair wearing knitted sweaters with letters on them. They looked similar except for their age, she also recognized the boy who she met first. "this is Lilliana Roberts and she will be staying with us today." Molly said sweetly. "hi I am Bill!!" the boy Lilliana met first when she arrived to the burrow said. Lilliana waved a small wave. "I am Charlie." A small kid about Lyal's said. "Hi!" Lilliana said with a warm smile. "I am Percy and I am 7 years old!!" said an even smaller kid. "oh my Merlin!! Where are Fred and George?? Bill you were supposed to take care of them!!" Molly shouted. Bill ran upstairs and bought two 3 year olds down. They were both laughing. They also looked like twins to Lilliana. "oh! And they are Fred and George...not quite sure which is which!!" Bill said to which Lilliana chuckled. "I am Gred and he is Forge!!" said one of them supposedly "GRED". "Merlin!!!another joke!!" Charlie rolled his eyes. Fred and George were laughing out of control. Lilliana smirked and said "well, hello Gred and Forge!! I am Lilliana but you can call me Lill! Or something stupid like Fred or George!!" The twins stopped laughing. Of course they would. they had been insulted and backfired!! They ran back to their room. Everyone else laughed. They had been so carried away by all of this that they didn't realize Molly had actually prepared supper. It was only 10:00 pm but supper was ready. Suddenly the door of the house burst open. "good evening weasleys!!" a man with the same red hair greeted to which everyone replied except Lilliana. The man noticed Lilliana. "well hello young lady! You are?" he asked. "oh! I am Lilliana Roberts sir. It is very nice to meet you! and may I ask, are you Mr. Weasley?" she gave a warm smile to him. "well of course! I am Arthur Weasley!" he answered. "you a friend of my boys?"

"kind of....I just met know tomorrow we have to go to school...and I just came here with Hagrid..." Lilliana explained. "are you a muggleborn?" he asked. "I am sorry but I don't really know what that means....but I do know what Muggle means and I used to live in this Muggle place in London..." "oh that's good!! Do you know what a pencil is?" "well ofcourse!it is a thing you write with!" she said and Arthur nodded. "Bill, Charlie, Percy! Please take Lilliana to one of the extra rooms! and with her luggage!"Molly called out. The boys got up from their sitting position. Bill and Charlie picked her trunk up and Percy held her hand and dragged her to the room.

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