Chapter 5

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[Ember's POV]
After my shift at work, I'm planning to talk to Calum about the incident. Fuck no. I ain't crying now. I know! I'll get dressed.

I put on a purple themed outfit and walked downstairs. I wrote a note to the boys explaining where I was and shit. I walked to work today as I had set off half an hour early. I stopped at Starbucks, got my morning coffee and walked to work. I unlocked the building and walked in. I set up the chairs, sterilisation gel and shit, prepared snack and drinks, flipped the sign around and just waited for my next customer. I was reading The Fault In Our Stars until I heard the bell ring. I looked up to see Justin Beiber. I have done every single one of his tattoos so we are like brother and sister.

"Hey Justin!" I said as I walked out from behind the counter.

"Hey Em. I like the red fire hair!" I said as he began playing with my hair. "Staap iittt!" I squealed elongating the words.

"Okay." He said and stopped. I didn't have to ask him what he wanted because we had been talking about it for a while.

"You do want it all black right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. I nodded and began preparing the gun. I slipped on the gloves and attached the ink bottle to the gun. I began to draw the design on his skin after preparing the area.

"Aanndd, you are done." I said.

"Thanks Em. It's amazing." He said.

"It's also on the house." I said.

"No." He said.

"Yes." I said.




"No." I said.

"Yes." He said.

"We if you say so Justin. I guess it is on the house." I sighed. My acting skills being put to use.

"WHAT?! I didn't mean to say that. You confused me. I hate you. I love you. Ugh!" He argued with himself.

"If you want to pay it will be $65." I said.

"Here." He said handing me a $100 bill. "Keep the change. Think of it as a tip."

"I hate you sometimes Justin. I still love ya like a brother but sometimes I really do hate your generosity." I complained as he walked out. "I really hate you."

"I know you love me." He said.

"I know you care!" I sang. We both just laughed and he left. I got back behind the desk and carried on reading the book. I finished it just as the bell rang.

"Hey Ember." A recognisable voice said.

"Hey Calum. What's up?" I asked.

"According to Luke, you don't like me." He sighed sadly.

"No I do. It's just. Ugh. Sit down in the staff room.L I said as I shoved him into the room. I turned my sign around and locked the door just so nobody could disturb this conversation. I walked back into the staff room and shut the door behind me.

"Right so why don't you like me?" He asked.

"Well back in high school, you asked me out on a date. It was at the park and you said to meet you there at six. I got there at six o'clock on the dot and waited for you. I waited for three hours until I walked home in the pouring rain because I knew you were never going to show up. If you didn't realise, I stopped hanging out with Mikey when you were there. He understood. I just don't know why you didn't show up that day." I said feeling the hot liquid know as tears fall down from my glossy, blue eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"I tried to commit suicide. I didn't think you would show up and I hate the feeling of rejection. I couldn't take the stress and tried to kill myself. Obviously it didn't work because I'm still here. It made me stronger though. I was on anti depressants for about two months and then I was off them. Now I just wish that never happened and we might be together today." He explained with tears down his face.

"I missed my big Cal-Pal so much." I cried into his shoulder as we hugged for a solid ten minutes.

"I missed my little ball of fire." He cried into my shoulder. We pulled apart and leaned in. We kissed. Sparks. No fireworks were erupting from my stomach. I love this kid so much.

"So. I know it is very early but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes you fucking twat." I laughed wiping away tears. "Now let's get home so Lucas doesn't suspect anything happened."

"Okay we are going in my car." He said.

"I know. I walked." I laughed as we walked out of the unlocked back door. Calum waited in the car park whilst I locked the door. I turned around and saw him waiting in his car. I climbed into the passenger's seat and without asking connected my phone.

"At least you have good music taste." He chuckled as Backseat Serenade by All Time Low came on.

"God, I'm sick of sleeping alone." We sang the last line of the song.

"We would make a great duet if the band ever split up." He said.

"Ah. But you are not going to split up or Luke will go back to his depression stage and I can't have that." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked. "I didn't hear you."

"Oh nothing." I laughed.

"Okay. Now let's go!" He said. We drove off listening to Green Day's American Idiot. I sang more like screamed along and Calum just laughed and drove us back home.

"We are here m'lady." He said as he opened my door.

"Thanks you idiot." I said.

"But I'm your idiot." He laughed.

"You are my Australian Idiot." I laughed back.

"I see what you did there." He said about two minutes later as he realised the joke I made. He chuckled and I kissed him before I walked in. I didn't notice it before but Luke was watching through the kitchen window.

Shit is about to go down. Fuck. My. Life. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

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