Chapter 2

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[Ember's POV]
I woke up to my special song playing from my phone. I hit the button that made it stop and got out of bed. I took off my white pyjamas and put in my black themed outfit for the day. I changed my phone case to one with the same image as one of my tattoos. It was a feather that was falling apart into little birds in the middle. It was beautiful. I put all my needed stuff into my bag and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a breakfast bar and left a note for my family on the fridge 

Dearest Mother, Father, Jack, Ben and Lucifer.
I have gone to the mall and will be back at around one. I will then be leaving at two for my hour long work shift. Don't worry about me and yes Lucifer I will bring you Starbucks.
Not so sincerely,
Ember (Little Fire) X

I walked into the garage and grabbed my bike stuff. I zipped up my jacket, fastened my helmet, unlocked the garage, wheeled out my bike, locked the garage and set off. I pulled up into the mall motorcycle only parking space place and parked my bike. I locked my helmet along with the bike onto one of the metal posts. I put the keys for everything in my bag. I walked into the mall and immediately went to my favourite clothes store. I bought a couple chokers, a few pairs of jeans, a few crop tops, a few hoodies, some workout gear and two pairs of shoes. I then went to Hot Topic and bought some band merch. This included, Blink-182 bracelets, Good Charlotte shirt and All Time Low jewellery. I made my final stop at Starbucks and got the drinks in a sturdy bag to go. I walked into the parking place and unlocked my bike. I attached the drinks bag to the bike after putting on my helmet. I sat on the bike and revved the engine before setting off. Within ten minutes, I was at home with an hour to spare. I locked my bike in the garage and walked into the house.

"LUCIFER! I HAVE STARBUCKS!" I screamed. Quicker than the flash on steroids, he ran downstairs and snatched the coffee off of the kitchen island.

"This is so fucking good." He moaned into the cup. I chuckled at his coffee obsession and sipped my drink. We finished at the same time and threw our cups in the bin.

"Luke I'm leaving early cuz I have a celeb coming in. Tell Mom and the other annoying dipshits please." I said. He nodded as I walked out of the house. I decided to walk to work today because it was only a ten minute walk and I need the exercise. I unlocked my shop and turned the closed sign around so it said open. I pre-prepared the chairs, guns, ink bottles and drinks for myself and customers. I sat behind the counter playing flappy bird on my phone waiting for my first customer. I heard the bell ring just as I died beating my high score. I looked up to be faced with one of my/ my brother's best friends. Michael Gordon Clifford.

"Why hello pizza boy. What am I doing today?" I asked him.

He chuckled at the simple yet true nickname and allowed himself behind the counter.

"Bitch did I say you could come here?" I asked sassily.

"Um... erm.. no." He stuttered.

"Fucking hell you dip fuck. I'm joking." I laughed. He turned the same shade of red as his hair.

"I came here because I wanted to show you my red hair and I wanted to say that I'm coming round to yours." He said grabbing a bottle of Pepsi from the mini fridge I had.

"Well Clifford, I knew about the hair thanks to my dip fuck of a twin Lucas and I knew you were coming because of Curly." I said to him.

"Oh. Well when does your shift end because I have to go now." He said to me.

"I finish after I ink Demi Lavato." I said with a smirk because I knew he loved her work.

"Bitch I'm jealous. Call me when you're done and I will pick you up." He said as he walked out of the shop.

"Bye red head." I shouted.

"Bye Mini Flame." He shouted back. The door closed behind him but then quickly opened.

"Hey Demi. What am I doing today?" I asked her.

"Hey Em. I want a secret tattoo of an infinity on my inner pinky." She said.
I nodded and took her to one of my pre-prepared guns. Moments later, I was finished.

"Here." She said handing me a hundred dollar bill. "Splurge on yourself girl." She said.

"Thanks Demi. I hope we stay in touch. Stay fierce." I said and waved her out of the shop.

"Stay fierce." She waved back.

As promised, I rang up Mikey to tell him to pick me up.

M: Hey mini flame.
E: Hey Pizza Boy. Come pick me up please.
M: Okay me and Curly will be there in five. Bye.
E: Bye.

I hung up and waited outside of my locked shop for five minutes before the two idiots arrived.

"Oh and I forgot to say before, I live for your shirt." Michael laughed as I climbed into the back set of his car.

"We have so much in common. Ash I have found my soulmate." I fake cried.

"What about me?" He fake cried.

"I can't choose. It's too much!" I sniffled. I'm such an amazing actress.

"Bitches we are here." Mikey said as we all got out of the car.

I ran to the front door and opened it. I ran inside and jumped into my sofa crease. (If you get that I love you 😂 >•< 🐱)
"Little Fire, why do you take up so much room?" Luke asked.

"Because Lucifer, I know you need the space and I like to be an awkward penguino!" I said in the sassiest voice I could produce.

"Stop it with the Lucifer crap." He said as he sat on the opposite end of the sofa.

"So when is Calum coming round for band practice?" Ashton asked Luke.

"He should be here now." Luke said getting up to answer the door. He opened it, waited a few seconds, closed it and walked back into the room with Calum.

"Hey Calum." I said.

"Oh hey Ember. Do you live here?" He asked.

"Yeah. Lucifer is my twin." I laughed knowing it pissed my brother off.

"Cool. Will you tell me the meaning of another tattoo if I tell you something nobody knows about me?" He asked.

"Yeah. Follow me." I said and dragged him into the recording studio.

"Pick a tattoo and I will tell you the meaning." I said.

"That one looks complicated. What does it mean?" He asked me.

"Well Hood, the inside black decaying flower represents beautiful fading and people forgetting it and the white outside of the flower that looks alive represents people looking perfect and happy on the outside but are slowly dying on the inside." I said holding back tears.

"Oh. Well I used to self harm." He said pulling up his shirt. They were all along his ribs. "I started when I was bullied and stopped when I stopped getting bullied." He explained obviously trying not to cry. We calmed down after a while and let the boys in. They got in position and I sat in the back of the room writing down lyrics for a song. It was called Dark Enough (Credit to Amanda Lopicallo). I wrote down the lyrics and left the room. I went into my room and slipped the song boom into my safe. I locked it and put the key in my bra drawer. I slipped out of my day clothes and into pyjamas. I flopped onto my bed and fell asleep to the angelic voice of Brendon Urie.

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