Chapter 9

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[Luke's POV]
It has been three weeks since Ember was admitted to hospital and one week since she left. We have finished the tour so we are all able to help Ember regain her memories. I have showed her a few pictures and she remembers most of what happened apart from why she left. She doesn't remember the Calum incident. Everyone has forgiven him. It was revealed that someone had spiked his drink and he was drunk. Ember has forgiven him even though she doesn't know what he did. I wonder what it would be like if she hadn't left. I wonder what would've happened if she didn't come on tour. She wouldn't be stuck ok the position she is in now.

"LUKE!" Someone yelled and hot tea back of my head lightly.

"Huh. What?" I mumbled as I caught up with reality. "Oh Ember its only you. What's wrong?"

"I remember." She squealed. I gave her a hug. She pulled away and darted out of the door. "GUYS I FUCKING REMEMBER EVERYTHING!" She yelled as she ran through the hallway. Everyone got out of their room and followed her downstairs to the living room.

"I forgive everyone for everything. Even you Calum." She said.

"YAY!" Everyone said.

"DOG PILE!" I yelled, pushed Ember to the floor and jumped on top of her. Everyone jumped on top of me and we heard the door open.

"What the hell happened here?" Two people I identified as my brothers asked.

"Well brothers dearest, I told the guys I remember and then Luke shouted dog pile and now we are in this situation." Ember said.

"Well kiddo, that's good for you. Now Luke. Get off of your sister." Ben said.

"Whyyyy?" I asked elongating the word why.

"Because if not, I will hack into your social media and delete them all." Ember said.

"Okay. GUYS GET OFF OR EVERYONES SOCIAL MEDIA WILL BE GONE!" I screamed. Everyone climbed off me and Ember stood up. All of us boys -except my brothers- were sat on the sofa. She walked over to us and lightly slapped us across the face. It didn't hurt that much but it still bloody hurt.

"Ow." We said.

"That is what you get for crushing me Lucas, Michael, Calum and Ashton." She said.

"We did deserve that." Ash said.

"Yes. Yes you did." Ember said. "Now I'll be off. I'm going to work."

"Bye!" We said as she left.

"Right it's your birthday on Saturday. What are we doing?" Jack asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"You are 19. You need to do something exciting Luke." Ben said.

"Yeah." Ash said.

"He has a point." Cal said.

"He's right you know." Mikey said.

"I think Ember wanted a quiet day. Like a few mates round pool party sort of thing." Jack and I said.

"That's the best idea you have ever come up with Luke. You need a gold medal." Calum said.

"Ha ha. Fuck off." I said sarcastically.

"How about no." He said.

"Whatever. We need to get planning because she has never had a good birthday experience." I said.

[Ember's POV]
I was reading the final book in the hunger games series when I heard the door to my shop open. I ran out of the staff room and to behind the counter. I looked up and saw someone I had inked before.

"JACK!" I squealed as I ran out from behind the counter and hugged him.

"Hey munchkin." He said hugging back.

"What am I doing today?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to know if you could do a skull with a halo." He said.

"Yeah of course. Sit in the chair and I'll be back in a minute." I said. He sat in the chair and I prepared everything. I did a quick sketch to get an idea of what I was doing.

"This okay?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said in amazement.

"Now don't fucking move or I will mess it up and I will make you pay!" I said as I sketched the design onto his forearm in pen. I loaded the gun and put it to his skin. It took around twenty minutes until I was done. 

"That will be $10." I said.

"As you sure? I swear that should cost more." He said.

"This is what you call the 'I haven't seen one of my favourite brits in so long' discount." I said.

"Oh. Here ya go. I have to go now. Bye!" He said handing me the cash and leaving. I emptied the cash register and put it into a jar which I then put into my bag. I put the ring I took off back on and walked out of the shop. I locked the doors and began walking home. It took around an hour as I stopped to get a McDonald's. I was walking home with a food baby inside of me. I got home at around 8:40pm. I ran straight to my room and took off my jeans. I replaced them with a pair of jogging bottoms. I put my phone in charge and played my brother's album. I soon fell asleep the the tune of amnesia.

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