chapter 11

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Was I jelious or just shocked...the 2nd one...I think !

Cameron's P.O.V

What was wrong with Cara,there was clearly something.

Me:what was wrong with her

Maya's friend:not sure,I was wondering


Maya:you could take me on a date,Saturday maybe

Me:I'm older,and I don't date my sisters friends sorry

I walk off,I don't even know her name...

Maybe I should give Cara some space?I'm not sure?was it even my fault?wait I'm over thinking this...

Cara's P.O.V

I'm so confused,and with that,I go to sleep.


I change into pink shorts,and my Grey tank top that says 'live life to the fullest' I add my Grey converse and normal makeup,a spray of perfume and my sunglasses.brushing my straight hair and doing a messy bun,with a brush of my teeth I'm done.I walk into Paige's room,to see her bed made but no Paige.

I run down stairs to Cameron and her eating cearial.I sit beside Paige,trying to ignore cameron ...wait why?

Paige:so,guess what


Paige:Karan is taking me to meet his family

Me:so....where will I be....third wheeling

Cameron:Aarons invited you and me round his house

Me:okay,will Lilly be there

Cameron:well it is her house

I give him a 'duh' look as he returns it.there's a beep of Karans limo and Paige shoots out the door,leaving me and Cameron in silence.

Me:you ready then


He gets up,and we walk to Aarons,it isn't far witch is soon as we make it to the front of his house I'm greeted with a bear hug by Lilly.



Aaron:hh-hi Cara

Me:hey Aaron

Lilly piggy backs me to her,back yard,she has a beats pill and pom poms set out ? I look at her with a questioning look.

Lilly:I've always wanted to cheerlead

Me:I'm guessing I will be teaching you today

Lilly:you guessed right

I smile and tie my top into a not,showing my stomach.

Me:let's go then

Cameron's P.O.V

Whilst Cara and Paige are cheer leading,Aaron wont take his eyes of Cara,I throw the basketball at his head multiples of times but it dosent work,then I say.

Me:me and Cara are going to a basketball game...together

His head instantly snaps in my direction

Aaron:like a date

Me:no,friends but dude come on peedo alert

He sheepishly smiles and we shoot some hoops.I keep taking a little glance at Cara doing tumbles she's really good.

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