chapter 18

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Last night I feel asleep quickly,infact I had a great sleep,maybe all the drama of yesterday really tired me out.I'm glad everything's back to normal between me and Cameron no awkwardnes,and who knows maybe he won't keep changing his moods witch I'm pretty sure he's over since yesterday day he said and I quote 'I'm never acting like a dick with you again'.I'm glad that's cleared up.

There was one part that was bad of a really good nights sleep,and it was getting up.I knew I had to sooner or later,but I would rather leave it later.I smile and sit back,turning on the tv.watching spongebob.

The next episode of spongebob was coming on in like 3 minutes so I showered and whilst showering brushed my teeth.I put a fresh new pair of pjama's on and combed my long blonde hair whilst now watch spongebob again.I lay back down and the door opened.


He slumped down on my bed

Me:how many times have I told you to nock

Cameron:how many times have I actually listened

Me:obviously none


I roll my eyes as I move over a little so he an have more room,he puts his feet up and crawls under the covers.he is kinda like a boy best friend.same as Karan only me and cam are flirty yet we make smart comments to each other,its complicated but its our thing I guess.Cameron's phone go's of as my eyes are glued to the TV.

Cameron:I forgot shit

He whispered to himself,I turned my head in his direction.

Me:what's wrong

Cameron:I planned a date with maisy today one of the cheerleaders but I haven't planned anything and its tonight.

I'm a little sad,he hasn't been acting like a dick so he kept his word,but that jelious feeling struck through me.I couldn't help but feel hurt.I need to push these feelings aside clearly its not going to happen.all things happen for a reason.....right?

Me:just take her bowling,everybody loves bowling,you could even double date with Paige and Karan

Cameron:and you and Sean or you and Aaron?or I have a friend in mind

Me:not a blind date

Cameron:fine a friend or person to chat with

Me:fine,but it better be someone nice

I wish it was Cameron,honestly I need to stop thinking about him like that,its not right.he doesn't feel it with me.he smiles and we watch spongebob again,until Paige comes in all giggily if thats a word....?

Paige:interoupting a coassy little moment am I?

Cameron:I was just going actually,and Paige you up for bowling tonight?


Cameron:its a triple date so bring Karan and tell him its bowling and I'm gonna whoop his ass like last time

She rolled her eyes

Paige:whatever and can't wait

He walked out,and Paige got all coassy where Cameron was once.I smile at Paige who is wetting herself at spongebob.

Me:I'm sure you have a crush on spongebob

Paige:yeah I clearly do your so right,maybe then we could double date with you and Patrick

I gave two thumbs up and a sarcastic smile as she laughed even more at my answer.

Me:can't wait

Paige:aha what Times the date anyway

Me:I'll go ask now.

I walk into his room without nocking,I see a towel wrapped round his waist,his wet her and hisAbbs gotten better had he been working out,I almost fainted as he looked not even bothered I came in,a smile tugged upwards on his lips as I tried to get out of my trance of checking him out.

Cameron:how many times have I told you to nock

He mimicked me

Me:and how many Tims did I actually listen

I mimicked back as he chuckled,he nodded as if you say why did you come in

Me:what times the triple date thing



We both smiled then I realized something

Me and Cameron:hey that rhymed

We both said in perfect unison,we looked at each other shocked we chuckled as I walked out my door,bumbling into Libby,must be her day of.she dosent look to good,the mascara marks dripping down her face,the sniffles you could hear from down the street.I mean her mother died I don't blame her for being so upset,destrought even.I give her a small hug as she smiles a little.

Libby:thank you,just like your mother you can always put a smile on my face

Me:I'm glad I can make you smile.

Libby:so am I

She gently rubs my back then we walk our desperate ways,I walk into my room to see Paige still slumped in my bed all snugled up to the sheets watching spongebob.I check the time only 4pm I jump back in bed and watch spongebob for most of the day....

At 6 Paige go's to get ready,as I still stay in bed,thinking I could just have a minute alone Maya barges in and sits on the comfy chair by the window.

Maya:so I heard your going on a triple date

Me:yeah Cameron's bringing some girl called maisy

He eyes lit up in delight


Me:yeah,you know her

Maya:yeah you will really like her,she's funny,out going and super pretty

I smile,I already hate her,she's everything I'm probably not and she has Cameron,but like I keep saying I need to brush them feelings aside.after me and Maya chatting for a while I finally have to get ready,she walks back into her room as I take a long bubble relaxing.

I get out and dry my wet hair,I curl the ends but brush them out a little.changing into my favorite t shirt.its a circle neck that's a little baggy,its got 'Arctic monkeys' in white letters and writing on the back.I tuck it into my high waisted light wash destressed shortsh shorts.i add my black high top makeup the usual and my phone and purse.done.

I walk down stairs waiting for Paige and Cameron,I was never really good at bowling.I haven't played in about 3 years,but Paige is actually really good,but she hates to brag.

Cameron:Arctic monkeys


He smiles

Cameron:I bet that you look good on the dance floor

Me:do I wanna know

Cameron:why do you only call me when your high

We sing a few lines of the odd song,wow he likes them too,well they are really good.infact one of my favorites.we laugh as Paige comes down.all dolled up.I chuckle that she's really dolling her self up as we cal a cab.

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