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That night went slow in the best way possible,we danced,laughed and I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to leave them with a matter of days.the way he looked at me,treated me,made me fall even harder,at 15 I didn't think you were supposed to feel this way but I do.

I try to concentrate on what's happening right now but how can I when at the back of my head there's always that reminder that I'm leaving,way to put a Downer on the last few days,right?

Paige:I need too tellll you somethhhing

She slurred probably because of the alcohol that took over her breath,nodding for her to continue she carried on sipping her drink,then plastered a smirk across her face.

Paige:me and Karan had sex

My mouth immediately dropped,she went out with a lot of boys,but Karan was definitely her first,and I wouldnt think Karan as the type...

Me:are you sure

I laughed,she was probably kidding but her face said it all,she was about to slurr something else out but was abrutley stopped since Cameron grabbed my arm halting me up from the leather coaches most likely wanting a dance.'grind on me' came on and my cheeks went red with embarrassment,Cameron winked,yeah he is not getting to dance to this.

Me:you planned this didn't you

Cameron:no,I'm just really lucky

I shook my head,I searched the dance floor and and mg eyes landed upon Peyton...wait Peyton


I lunged towards her laughing she was stood with a gorgeous blonde with big blue eyes.I gave her the 'nice one Pey' look and she giggld.

Peyton:chase will you get me a drink


He walked off and we giggled jumping up and down like 5 year olds.

Peyton:I've hardly had time to see you,missed you girl

I smiled hitting her as Cameron wrapped his arms round my weist resting his chin on my shoulder.

Peyton:wait are you two.....

She sqealed jumping on the both of us as chase came back with her drink.

Me:well I owe cam a dance I'll text you girl

Peyton:I'll be waiting boo

I laughed at the nickname and sauntered of with Cameron as our song came on carried away by passion pit we both grinned like idiots mouthing the words and dancing stupidly with each other.

Cameron was falling over his own feet on the small walk home,I laughed at his drunkenness,his arm slumped round my neck for support and my free arm rubbing circles on his back,I knew Libby and victer went out for a night out with friends so cam was less likely to get told of.

I tucked him in bed since he was that drunk,I was about to walk of when his hand yanked me back.


His voice innocent and his big brown eyes desperate,sighing I slowly got into bed,his arm pulling me closer to his body,he finally left his arm round my waist,I couldn't help feeling secure and safe in hjs arms.it was blis to say the least.

The sun soon peeped through the curtains making me squint my eyes from the all so sudden brightness,looking to my left was Cameron his mouth slightly parted,his curls messily,but he look incredibly sexy...


He stirred for a few moments until his eyelids opened revealing his brown beautiful orbs.


His voice croacky,his gave a soft kiss on my forehead until he slowly got up to the wash room,I went back into my room getting ready for the day,I'm pretty sure we had nothing on and I liked it like that I guess.

Paige:where were you last night I came in and you were gone

Me:I fell asleep on the couch

Paige:funny because when I looked I'm cams room I saw a blonde tucked in the sheets

I nudged her as she wiggled her eyebrows

Me:why you gotta be so ruddddeeeee

Paige:don't you know I'm human too

Cameron:why do I always find you two either dancing or singing

Paige:because were fabulous darling

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