She'll Be Okay

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Hey, guys!

I'm sorry this chapter is so short and kinda crappy. I've been having serious writers block/personal issues, but I wanted to at least post something so y'all know I'm not just abandoning this.

Thank you always for reading and favoriting! I appreciate it sososososoooooo much. I saw the number of reads this got today and I almost fainted. THANK YOU FOR READING!!! <3 <3 <3

Stay strong always,


Castiel hadn't ever expected to put two Winchesters to sleep in one day, and yet Dean was laying in an uncomfortable looking position across his bed because Cas decided it was time to take matters into his own hands.

Contrary to what he'd said, Dean hadn't gone to bed after leaving the library. Castiel went to search for him when Casey went to her room and had found him in the shooting range with a target dangling by its corner. There were six more mutilated sheets on the floor, alongside a couple broken beer bottles and a half empty handle of whiskey.

"Dean," Castiel interrupted his clip. Dean sighed and set the gun on the counter

"Cas," he replied, not looking at his friend. He rested his hands on either side of the gun and let his head hang between his shoulders. He looked like a broken man. After all he'd gone through in life, Cas supposed he must be pretty close to becoming one.

"She's going to be okay, Dean." Castiel didn't have a definitive way of knowing that, but with her brothers, and himself, if need be, Casey could heal. Cas felt sure of it. Mostly. "She has people looking out for her. She has you guys, she has me, if she'd like. It won't be easy, but it isn't impossible."

"Cas, this has been going on since she was nine and it hasn't gotten better." Dean clenched his knuckles on the counter.

"She hasn't utilized your support yet," Castiel pointed out.

"Because she didn't know she had it!" Dean shot up, eyes blazing at his friend. "She didn't trust us to know about her freaking cutting. She didn't want our support."

Cas knew that wasn't why she didn't say anything. Casey trusted her brothers more than anything in her life, but she knew if her brothers found out they wouldn't trust her and that she would have to stop. "She knew you would make her stop."

"Of course we would make her stop! What man wants to see his little sister cutting herself up like that? She's my freakin' sister, Cas." Dean folded his hands behind his head and looked up at the sheet metal ceiling. The only person he'd ever bothered to pray to was standing right in front of him and he was just as useless here as Dean was. At least Cas could heal up her arms. Dean couldn't even do the bare minimum. Casey didn't even trust him enough to let Sammy tell him. He knew he angered easily, but he would never do anything to hurt Casey. He was glad Sam snitched to him at the rest stop, as hard as it was to play it cool the rest of the car ride. When they'd gotten to the motel all he wanted to do was sleep, but they'd agreed that Dean would go to the bar so Case and Sam could talk. It didn't feel like there was enough whiskey in the world to sate him in there. At a woman's house once, he'd drunk from a four-thousand dollar bottle of whiskey, still he was sure that whiskey wouldn't hit the spot either. He looked back at his friend.

"Is it really so much to ask for my family to be safe for once?" 

"You should go to bed, Dean. Casey is taking a nap right now. Sam is in her room with her. She's safe," Castiel assured him.

"I can't sleep, Cas. How am I supposed to sleep like this?" His eyes were raw. He didn't feel like crying anymore, but he could feel tears building, his tilted head the only thing to prevent them from falling.

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