A Marinade

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You guys, this is really just a short filler chapter until I have time and an idea for the real one. I'm hoping to get an actual one up by Wednesday. THANK YOU for your never ending patience. You guys are too good to me.
Please, keep commenting and reading and favoriting! I love you so much and I hope I can pick back up again soon! 💗💗

Sam was impressed by the rate at which Casey could drink wine coolers. She’d drunk five in about an hour and a half. Dean was partially to thank for that because he wouldn’t stop calling her a pussy when she tried to pace herself. As a result, she’d ended up telling them in depth details about her dreams and braided Sam’s hair after much begging and a promise to braid it in his room and to never tell Dean. After putting about half his head in cornrows and drinking an enormous glass of water, that Sam practically dumped down her throat, she fell asleep in his bed. Sam didn’t know where she learned how to cornrow, but his head hurt from how tight she’d set them and how long he'd had to pull to get them out.

    Sam set down a glass of water and some aspirin on the nightstand and headed out to the kitchen. Dean was scraping the bottom of the mac and cheese pan with a metal spatula and making a sound that was comparable to a banshee. “Dude, can you soak that instead?”

    “Sorry,” Dean yelled and gestured to his ear with the spatula, “Can’t hear you. Why don’t you sit down? Have a wine cooler and I’ll get back to you.” He fully turned his back to Sam and continued scraping. Sam rolled his eyes. Dean would never forgive him for getting Casey drunk first, but that was family discourse he could handle happily. Dean had been too eager to do it; it was like taking candy from a baby. And once Sammy put the bottles out there was no way he could take them back and tell Case he’d changed his mind. He sat and propped his legs up on the table before crossing them. Dean continued scraping, putting as much pressure against the pan as he could without puncturing it. Sam fought the urge to shudder every time. Eventually Dean dropped the pan in the sink and turned back to Sam. “Freaking wine coolers, Sam? Really? You couldn't pick anything less girly?”

“Dean, she wasn't about to inhale straight whiskey like you. We have to ease her into alcoholism.”

"She doesn't need to be eased, Sam, it's a family heirloom."
"She's sixteen!"

"So getting her loaded on chick booze is okay but throw in a little hard liquor and it's the apocalypse round nine?" Dean wasn't really mad about Casey drinking crappy hooch. He was mad because that had been his plan and Sam hadn't even let him in decision making process in the first place. He at least had the comfort of knowing that Sammy never would have let her get completely plastered- he would have cut her off after her second. His pride and glory came from getting her to toss back six. Sam didn't know about one of them. He'd gone to grab some pop and Dean dared her to slam another one while he was gone. Casey had done so with vigor. Dean rubbed his hand across his forehead. "Whatever. What the hell was in that box Cas gave her?"

Castiel had left shortly before Sam returned home. He'd shaken his head at Dean while he encouraged her chugging loudly, then smiled at Casey once she was done and congratulated her, then he left.

Sam shrugged. "He never told me. I figure if he didn't tell us for a reason it's probably better we don't know."

That was the crappiest logic Dean had heard in a long time. Usually when one of them was keeping a secret it would have been better for everyone to know in the first place. How many times would they have to learn that? With Casey especially. The last secret she'd kept... Dean grimaced at the thought. "Yeah, don't care." He pushed off the table and started toward her room.

"Dean, wait," Sam called after him. "Dean. Dean, stop!" He knew Dean was pissed about the whole wine cooler thing but this was Casey's privacy. It didn't deserve to be violated because Dean was pissed at him. Besides, Cas had been right. He would end up eating all of her candy. Not all at once, but he would do it gradually. Until the day she opened the box and found two pieces left.

Sam followed him down the hallway and almost stopped when he heard Dean yell. "Sam! Sammy!" He ran, full speed ahead, until he reached Dean at Casey's door. "Where is she? You just put her to bed. Where the hell is she? Casey! Case, where are you?"

If they hadn't seen so much crap go down, Dean's immediate horrified reaction might have been funny. Leaving a man in that sort of fear, though, was cruel. "Dean, she's in my room," Sam said calmly, interrupting Dean's yell. Dean's head whipped over. "She passed out pretty quickly after we went in there. She'll probably have a wicked hangover in the morning."

Dean's face relaxed. "You at least give her some water? The mac and cheese might help absorb some of the alcohol."

"Or it might make great vomiting material."

"Eh. Better to learn the dangers of drinking early. The worst decisions come from a blackout."

"Oh yeah, Dean? When are you gonna learn that?" Sam leaned against the wall next to his brother. Dean elbowed him.

"I don't have to learn. Everything I need to know about drinking is up here." He tapped the side of his head.

"Yeah, drowning," Sam laughed. Dean rolled his eyes.

"I prefer marinating."

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