No Buses

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28th September 2013

Well I had to go work today, I haven't been in a week, my boss keeps calling me, and I can't deal with having to come up with new excuses every time. But I guess I need to think about my patients to, I've always liked the idea of helping people. My mum and dad are proud of me but still didn't see why I went to LA. I guess I just wanted a fresh new beginning and that was all great, until I met Louis.

Work finished at 5:46pm today so it wasn't a long day, then I got a text from Scarlett asking to pick up some milk. Just what I wanted, to be out the house longer then I had planned. Scarlett has a small petrol garage, just around the corner of her flat, so I drove to that in my white Audi A1, probably the only good thing in my life at the moment.

When I get to the garage, I try to park in the car park, until I see some idiot with a massive bus blocking the entrance.
"What a fucking idiot like seriously, only because he has a big bus he thinks he can park anywhere" I say under my breath while reversing into a small space, I found just around the corner.
"I need some coffee after today, strong coffee" I say while walking up to the shop. I grab the milk for Scarlett then go to the Expresso machine, they have in the back, and made myself a black coffee, which I honestly could of just downed, if it wasn't boiling hot. I was walking down the isle until something caught my eye, it was a poster of some sort for a band. With a catchy squiggly logo and tour dates, 'Arctic Monkeys 2014' it said on the top. They were doing a gig this Sunday, I'm guessing that's what she wants me to go to. Anyway I click out of my thinking trance, before the people in the shop think I'm mad, I turn to walk towards the counter.
Sadly for me once again, I didn't realise a man was stood next to me, as I slam into the front of him, and my coffee going all over him.
"Shit, crap mmmm... oh god I'm so sorry" I say as quick as I can.I didn't know what to say, I was too embarrassed.

"Ah fucking hell love" he says while looking down at his white t-shirt, now dyed brown from my drink.

"Honestly I am really really sorry, oh crap your hand it's all red, let me at least sort your hand out so it doesn't blister," I say worried.

He eventually looks up and our eyes met for the first time, he has chocolate eyes, which I truly could of stared at for awhile. A strong structured face, with a good jawline, and dark greased hair which was slicked back, only a few strands in front of his eyes. I'll admit he was a really good looking guy, and now I feel even more stupid. As I was studying his features I could tell he was doing the same, but I felt awkward as I had just finished work, with my messy hair in a bun and my eyes looking tired.

"Soooo about that hand?" I say breaking the silence between us.

"Don't worry about it, I'll sort it love" he has a British accent. I haven't actually heard an accent like that in ages, but it was more deep and it was somewhere in England, not exactly British.

"Are you sure, I don't want to keep bothering you but I'm a doctor, and that looks really bad."

"Well I can tell you're a doctor, I didn't think you are dressed up like that for no reason," he said sarcastically.

Well that's fine then if he wants to be like that, "whatever sort your own hand out, you know I was just being nice right, you didn't have to be a dick about it."

He looks at me a bit shocked, like I wasn't meant to say something like that. Then he takes some time to think while looking me up and down, while I uncomfortable move in my spot.

"Okay I've got a bus outside, I think we have some sort of medical kit there," he says opening the door and leading the way.

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