The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala

436 15 1

November 1st 2013

I slowly and reluctantly uncover my face from the warm blankets wrapped around me. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Trying my hardest to avoid being blinded, by the sunlight penetrating through my window. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. Stretching my arms above my head and yawning, I get up heading to my ensuite.

Letting my heavy body slump my way in, I keep my head looking at the floor hoping not to wake myself up to the point I can't go back to sleep.


My head lifts up as if mechanically controlled to the surprised voice.

Looking upwards I got the whole view of what was standing stunned in my bathroom. His hair was darker, he had little strands sticking to his forehead, and with wet droplets falling, I followed them back down to his face. His eyes didn't look tired or as if he'd just woken up but quite shocked and alert. As I carried on my observation, I sharply turned my head away. Realising that Alex was in fact in his birthday suit, in my bathroom. I mentally slapped myself for standing there studying what must have come across as his bare body. I quickly turned my whole body around. I sucked in a sharp breath as I could still mentally see images of his defined torso, and other parts...

Gawking wouldn't of described my state. I was shocked and stunned to say the least, but then it was all taken over by my mesmerisation of his physique. It would be a lie to say it's nothing like I've ever seen before, as boys with great bodies are advertised everywhere now, but they don't make me blush or speechless. His body was drool-worthy, and it was drool-worthy because it was Alex's.

I slam the bathroom door tightly shut, forgetting that I actually had a hangover, so now my head was ringing. There was no way I was going to go back to sleep now, so deciding I didn't want to wait out here awkwardly for Alex, I'm heading downstairs.


The house was trashed, just like the morning after every other party. Mum and Dad would still be sleeping in anyways, so I wasn't worried about them noticing Alex had stayed the night. 


Holding my tea, I go to sit in the living room waiting for Alex to come down. Letting my eyes scan over the empty liquor bottles, discarded costume props and overall rubbish, I fall back onto the sofa. Expecting my landing to be soft on the spread of large cushions and blankets, it actually wasn't. I got flung back in the air with a loud groan coming from underneath.

"Ah what the fuck man" the mass of blankets  started to rise up, revealing a large figure.


"Not a cool way to wake someone up J" he scowled at me, as if I'd done it on purpose.

"I wasn't purposely trying to crush you"

Jamie huffed, and then let his eyes start roaming around the living room, "anyone else here?"

"I don't know, I've only found you at the moment"

"I remember Miles and Scarlett leaving, I lost Nick and Matt around midnight, as for you and Alex, you both vanished"

"Guessing you passed out?"

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