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Alex's POV

I walked through towards the kitchen, seeing Miles over five cups and the lads all around the table with Josephine.
"Morning lads"
The lads all responded with mornings and nods, but she just sat there directing her attention back to the table and no longer on me. She probably thought I didn't see her checking me out, but of course I did like come on who wouldn't?
Miles turns around balancing two cups in each hand, handing them to the lads.
"Ta Miles, didn't even have to ask"
As I lean forward to the cup of steaming tea on the side, I hear Miles shriek down my ear, "Woah-no no that's Miss Greens, make your own you cheeky sod"
"Miss Greens?" now completely puzzled.
"Duh yeah Miss Green" he points at Josephine, who uncomfortable shuffles in her spot.
"Oh Josephine"
"No Miss Green"
"But her names Josephine"
"Yeah but her last names Green, and unless she is married which I didn't know about, then she's a Miss. Therefore Miss Green to be the well mannered gentleman I am"
I stand there completely stunned of the bullshit coming out of his mouth, this isn't Miles, my best mate who is as much of a ladies man as me, this.. this is... I don't even know. As I stand there trying to take everything in, Miles leans over me and grabs the cuppa before handing it to Josephine, and giving her a grin afterwards, what an idiot.
"Hm thank you.. and Miles honestly Josephine is fine, no need for the whole Miss Green talk"
"Nah I quite like it, got a ring to it" Miles says before returning to my side.
"Hmm alright then" she says while letting out a little chuckle.

I'm sorry but what the fuck is happening here, I've been in the shower for less than 15 minutes and Miles is already worming his way in there. She hasn't even looked at me since I caught her staring, actually she hasn't even spoke to me, not like I took a punch for her last night or anything, what a load of shit.

"Hey Al do us a favour put some clothes on, I don't need that towel dropping again for the third time on this tour" Matt says in my direction.

"Tell me about it I'm still trying to get the image out of my head from last time" Cookie says while chuckling along with the rest of the guys.

"Guys you should be lucky to have even seen the Crown Jewels, any lady would have done anything to see what you lads have"

Josephine then speaks to me for the first time today, just to knock me down a bit, "Actually I wouldn't say any lady, but whatever helps you sleep at night"

1-0 Josephine

Before I can even respond to her she's up from her seat walking towards the back of the bus, as she gets through the door an echoed "Alex can I talk to you for a minute please" comes down the walk way.

I follow through the door and shut it so I don't have to deal with the lads later on listening in to everything.

She sits on the sofa bed still out from her stay, trying hard to not look at anything but me, she looks like a lost, confused puppy. Clearly not wanting to stare at my body, I feel quite victorious.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

She looks up from across the room and catches my gaze, "no why would you ask that?"

"Well you haven't looked at me since I caught you checking me out earlier.."

"-I wasn't checking you out"

"Oh yeah say that to the drool coming from your mouth, I don't know what you were looking at for longer my arms or my torso"

1-1 Alex

"Hm can't you think of your own sayings? And I wasn't checking you out, end of" She states while rolling her eyes.

She was so checking me out.

"Just put some clothes on please, so we can talk properly without you acting like a dick"

Oh there we go again throwing around the D word, three times now.

I walk out the room head to my bunk throw on some joggers and a t-shirt, and return back into the room.

"Okay, well first off thank you for last night like... you know the whole hmmm... situation"

"Don't mention it sweetheart anyone would of done the same"

"Well no i don't think they would but once again ta, secondly though how did I end up here, cause I know we didn't sleep together so..."

"How do you know we didn't sleep together?"

"Cause my clothes are still on and I woke up alone" she says sternly not falling for my trick.

"Yeah what if you got changed and I got out of here before you woke up"

"We actually slept together? I don't remember it"

"Okay love let me explain what happened for you, as that bump to the head really did wonders" I say while sitting opposite on the bed to her, she shuffles back a bit more.

God do I smell? I had a shower.

"So last night you were at the gig and.."

"I know all that I've not forgot everything, I just don't know what happened after you punched Louis"

"Okay okay well yeah so I punched that drunk..."


"I don't really care what his name was, and are you going to let me finish or keep interrupting each time?"

"No sorry carry on"

"Okay so I punched... Louis. Then I asked to take you home as I didn't think you could manage on your own, and you said yes in some sort, we walked to my car, but you banged your head pretty bad on the wall before hand, so you were pretty dazed. When we got into the car you gave me your address which was like 15 minutes away, but on the way there you completely passed out, you were like talking and murmuring shit as well..." her face went bright red and it was honestly the cutest thing, "then I got to your apartment tried waking you up and you honestly weren't having any of it, i could of got a blow horn and you still would of been out cold. So I couldn't leave you on the side walk, I drove back to the bus, carried you to the back and lay you on the sofa bed and left you till now, that's about it really."

"Hold on you carried me how?"

"It's called having arms"

"Well I mean like I was really heavy you should of just left me in your car"

"Ha heavy you make me laugh, you were a lot lighter than I thought"

"Oh okay well thanks anyway for everything" she's still bright red as a tomato and the carrying story probably didn't help.

"So we didn't sleep together then?"

"No of course we didn't"

She let out a sigh of relief, which probably shouldn't of offended me, but still took a little hit at my man hood.

"Anyway if we did.."
I budged closer towards her on the bed
"-sleep together..."
even closer, her breathing quickening
"-you would of..."
we were face to face she held in the breath she had just taken
"-remembered it."

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